

楼主,您好proud是形容词,既可褒义(自尊的,有自尊心的)也含贬义(骄傲自大的,傲慢的)可以作为定语(they are proud people.)也可作表语(she's too proud)一般be proud of sb.用的比较多 pride是名词或动词,表示骄傲,自豪(he look at the new baby with pride and happiness.);以。。。自豪take pride/a pride in sth. 谢谢采纳!
第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-17



    骄傲; 自豪;得意感     a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done sth well or own sth that other people admire 

    自负;傲慢 ;自满     the feeling that you are better or more important          than  other people     

3. 自尊心;自尊;尊严   the feeling of respect that you have for yourself 

4.狮群   a group of lions                                                                    

vt.    以…而自豪, 得意于…;                                                                                          

vi.    自豪,骄傲,得意;   

常见搭配:take pride in doing sth.   因......而感到自豪;sb's pride and joy 某人引以为荣的人(或事物);pride comes/goes before a fall   骄傲使人失败;pride of place显要位置;最突出(或最重要)的位置;pride yourself on sth/on doing sth   引以为荣;为…而骄傲


proud  adj.   

1.骄傲的;自豪的;得意的;满足的    feeling pleased and satisfied about sth that you own or have done, or are connected with

常见搭配:be proud of 由于......而自豪;为......而骄傲

2.引以为荣的;令人自豪的   causing sb to feel pride

3.傲慢的;骄傲自大的 (同义词: arrogant)    feeling that you are better and more important than other people

4.自尊的;自重的   having respect for yourself and not wanting to lose the respect of others

5.秀丽的;挺拔的;壮观的   beautiful, tall and impressive


do sb proud  盛情款待;给某人隆重礼遇

do yourself/sb proud做令自己风光(或骄傲)的事;做赢得赞誉的事

第2个回答  2020-02-27
