Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to t...

Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English h 1 camp in their holidays. And their parents don’t go with them 2 (虽然) they are very young.Now they still enjoy t 3 part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents. Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps to make them l 4 some practical(实际的) knowledge in life. The most i 5 (重要的) thing for children to do is to learn to look after themselves. And to do so can make them have more 6 (勇气) to face life in future.Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not e 7 . Most families can a 8 to send their children there. And the government never p 9 for them.It’s said that students in Hong Kong have much k 10 about many things. Perhaps it has something to do with the kinds of holiday camps.

小题1: holiday
小题2: though
小题4: learn
小题5: important
小题6:. Courage
小题7: expensive
小题8: afford
小题9: pays
小题10: knowledge

小题1:考查上下文串联:前面出现了:the holiday camps 可知填holiday
小题2: 根据句意和汉语提示:虽然:though
小题3:enjoy后面是动名词:taking part in参加
小题4: 根据句意和首字母:使他们学习一些重要的人生技能:learn
小题5:根据句意和首字母:最重要的事情是照顾自己: important
小题6:根据句意和汉语提示:勇气: Courage
小题7: 考查形容词:香港的夏令营不是很贵的expensive
小题10:据说,香港的学生知道很多东西:knowledge 知晓。