
禁止用课本的,越复杂越好(适当复杂),在每篇文章下方+汉语(至少4篇) 使用8开的纸,考虑一下版面!
禁止用课本的,越复杂越好(适当复杂),在每篇文章下方+汉语(至少4篇) 使用8开的纸,考虑一下版面!

湖南小炒肉 选较香辣的青尖椒切滚刀,猪肉的前腿肉 分肥瘦分别切片,蒜切片。 锅热较多的油,下蒜片、青椒片、肥肉片炒香,并不断翻炒,直到青椒表面呈微微 虎皮状。加入肉片,调盐、老抽、生抽、鸡精,大火快炒出锅。 做法要点: 1、青椒不能选太辣的,但一定要香; 2、不能用里脊肉,前腿肉为上选,这样炒出来的肉片才会口感滑嫩又不失嚼劲; 3、油宁多不宁少,肥肉可多放些。青椒等一定要多翻炒,炒得太短不够香哦; 4、大火,动作要快! 美味青椒牛肉炒饭 原料:青椒1个,牛肉50克,鸡蛋1个,米饭1碗,姜末适量。 辅料:酱油、淀粉、水淀粉、盐、味精各适量。 做法: 准备: 1.青椒洗净,去蒂和子,横切丝。 2.牛肉切片,用油、淀粉、酱油、料酒浆好。 3.鸡蛋打散。 快炒: 1.油烧热,放姜末,放入牛肉片滑熟,放入青椒丝炒几下盛出。 2.油烧热,鸡蛋炒熟,放入米饭炒散,倒入牛肉、青椒丝,放味精和盐炒匀。
Hunan fried meat a more spicy green pepper cut hob, pork shoulder pork thin respectively slices, garlic slices. Pot heat more oil, garlic, green pepper pieces under the fat, stir-fry until fragrant, and stir constantly, until the green surface is slightly tiger. Add pork, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, transfer of chicken, stir fry pan. Methods: 1 points, green peppers can't choose too hot, but it must be sweet; 2, can not use the tenderloin, shoulder for the election, such fry out the meat will taste Huanen without losing the chewy; 3, oil rather than restless little, fat can put some more. Green pepper must stir fry, fried too short not fragrant; 4, the fire, the action to be fast! Delicious fried rice ingredients: Pepper sauteed beef with green pepper 1, beef 50 grams, egg 1, 1 bowl of steamed rice, ginger the amount. Accessories: soy sauce, starch, starch, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount. Methods: preparation: 1 green peppers washed, to Wa Ko, cut wire. 2 beef slices, oil, starch, soy sauce, cooking wine pulp. 3 egg. Stir-fry: 1 oil heat, put ginger, add beef slices slippery cooked, add green pepper silk fry a few sheng. 2 the hot oil, fried egg, add steamed rice fried powder, pour beef, bell pepper, MSG and salt and stir well.追问



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第1个回答  2013-06-16
第2个回答  2013-06-16