请英语高手 ,亲自翻译下。谢谢

对不起,我错了,我脑子笨,不懂得说话,没有钟雨晴 陈清 两个姐妹会说话, 我不知道什么可以说,什么不能说,我想到就说,我对待朋友是真诚的,我的缺点就是不懂得说话。朋友在困难时期,我不能离开,得帮助朋友,等到朋友度过困难,实现梦想,当上股东,我再选择离开,以免其他人误会我帮助朋友是日后有所回报。有福不同享,有难同当, 我会一直在朋友身边帮助,关心。

Please accept my sincere apology for not being so good at words.I'm not that kind of person,you know,like ZhongYuQing and ChenQing two sisters who are quite sociable.Instead,if I'm honest enough,I would call myself a goof.I'm unable to tell the difference between 'THINGS YOU CAN SPEAK OUT LOUD AND DIRECTLY' and 'OTHER THINGS YOU CAN'T'.Those words just jump out of my mouth as fast as they come into my mind.I like the feeling of being frank and open to my friends,but I know it crystal clear that it could be regarded as 'rude' or 'ignorance'.I have to admit it's exactly one of my shortcomings.From my point of view,when my [friend] get into a jam,I would be there for [her] with a helping hand.I wouldn't let my friend alone in a fight until the victory finally comes.But after witnessing my friend being a shareholder,I will choose to turn around and leave.Because the last thing I want is people's misunderstanding of the reason why I would help my friend.I do not want anything from my friend as a payback.Sharing bliss without me is totally fine,but never forget me when getting stuck in trouble.I'll always stand by my dear friend with a warm heart.

ps:说实在的我很好奇,在什么样的情况下才需要这么一段话的英文啊?一边翻我就一边忍不住脑补,要说是书本上的话,这语言也略口语化啊,要说是……私人原因个人使用的话……抱歉,无意冒犯,只是仗着我们俩隔着两个电脑屏幕,显然想揍也揍不到我的优势,我得说恐怕段落里形容自己“不善言辞”的部分确实挺符合的,再加上两种语言转换过程中不可避免的困难和障碍……艾玛我也不拐弯抹角了,单纯想提醒你一下记得做人称上的修改,因为原文里主谓宾总是莫名省略掉了,于是我假设这段话叙述的对象是【单个人】,而且还是个【女生】,尽管我开始有用【[ ]】这个符号标记出来,可往后翻着翻着就没耐心了_(:зゝ∠)_……
第1个回答  2013-05-30
Sorry, I was wrong, I was stupid, do not know how to speak, not Zhong Yuqing Chen Qing two sisters could talk, I don't know what to say, what not to say, I think you said, I treat a friend is sincere, the disadvantage is that I do not know how to talk. A friend in difficult times, I can't leave, to help a friend, when friends through difficult, realize the dream, when the shareholders, I choose to leave, lest others misunderstand I help a friend is the future rewards. Blessed are the different entitlements, hardship, I will always help in friends, care.
第2个回答  2013-05-30
Sorry, that's my fault, I'm stupid. I don't talk as smartly as Yuqing Zhong and Qing Chen do. I don't know what I should say or what I shouldn't. I just speak the truth.(这句话的翻译是,我说真话,用来取代"我想到就说",西方人没这个说话习惯,我给你意译了) I treat my friends with all my heart. But the only problem is that I can not talk smartly. (这里说...that I don't lie.跟前边呼应会更好一些,但是就直白了,也是西方人的风格) I won't leave my friends behind, if they are going through a hard time, (注意是逗号, 说的时候间断别太长,马上跟上高潮) I will help them all along until their dreams come true where they've become one of the stockholders.(不要用a stockholder, 典型中国英语) Then nobody would mistake me for benefiting from the help to my friends. Endure misfortune together, leave blessings alone for friends.
I will always be there for my friends.( 这句话是是外国人最常说的,可以完全表达你最后一句话的意思),
纯属兴趣, 针对问题,纯属手打
第3个回答  2013-05-30
sorry, it's my fault,I am a dull girl and not good at communication.I am not as smart as Zhong yuqing Chen qing , I don't know what i can say and what i can not. I am so forthright that I treat everyone sincerely. my shortcoming is the lack of the skill of communication.

I will never abandon my friend if he is in trouble.when he overcome it and become the stockholder. I will leave him. In order to avoid other people misunderstanding me,they maybe think all i want is his reward some day.

Share hardship and reject the happiness. I will be with my friend forever!
