)哪个高手帮我解答一下,上课睡觉了!! mind my somking中为什么可以用形容词性物主代词?(解释全面点

还有英语正式语言和非正式语言的使用场合。这些都是牛津初中英语9A U1的知识。

1. 从词汇选择来看语体的区别
A. 名词
(a) 抽象名词作主语
The success of the book brought him tremendous popularity. (very formal)
The book was highly successful and made him a very popular writer. (colloquial)
(b) 以表示事物的名词作为通常属于人的行为.动作的主体时.常见于书面体,在口语体中.一般采用较朴实的说法(如:把书面体中的动词改为意义相近的其他动词.或改为以人为主语).如:
His knowledge is insufficient to enable him to complete this task. (formal)
He is not competent enough to do this job. (colloquial)
The manufacture of these goods is acquiring importance as an industry. (formal)
The manufacture of these goods is becoming an important industry. (colloquial)
(c) 有重复主语的句子
Jim and I took the long road. (for-mal)Jim and I. we took the long road. (informal)
(d) 以there为开首的句子.主语与谓语在数上一致的是正式语言.不一致的是非正式语言.
There are a group of children ready to sing songs. (formal)
There is a group of children ready to sing songs. (informal)
(e) 所有格
The hood of the car is insulated. (formal)
The car`s hood is insulated. (informal)
(f) 缩略语与全称
正式语言常用全称.非正式语言常用缩略语.虽然在正式语言中用缩略语的情况越来越多.但在非正式语言中缩略语用得更多.如:TV. VOA. BBC. VIP. etc. 当然在一些个别场合.书面语中可用缩略语.而口语中不使用.
(g) 关于单复数
在泛指时.用复数偏通俗化.用the加单数比较文气.如:The cow is a useful animal. (a little literary)
Cows are useful animals. (a little vulgar)
B. 形容词
C. 副词
Work slowly and steadily. (formal)
Work slow and steady. (informal)
D. 介词
It happened the day he did the experiment. (informal)
It happened on the day on which he did the experiment. (formal) I`ll come in the following spring. (formal)
I`ll come the following spring. (colloquial
E. 代词
(a) 口语中多省略作主语的代词.如:Haven`t seen you for ages! (informal)
(b) 关于mine. his. yours. Ours
当mine. his. yours. ours等物主代词作宾语或表语时.可用于书面语.也可用于口语.但如果这种物主代词(或名词所有格)作主语放在句首.并暗指表语名词所用的概念.那就是一种比较文雅的说法了.如:
His (or Mr. Li`s) is a noble character.
在日常口语中一般这么用:His (or Mr. Li`s) character is a noble one. / He has a noble character.但下面这类句子对书面语和口语都适用:Your teacher and mine are talking in the room.
(c) we. I在一些正式场合.作者或演讲人为了表示谦虚.往往避免用I.而用we代替.如:As we showed a moment ago ... (formal)
As I said a moment ago ... (not so formal)
(d) you. we用we代替you是一种表示客气的语言.如:Don`t worry about your shoes! (imperative)
Why don`t we not worry about your shoes. OK ? (polite)
(e) you. one在翻译中文"任何人"."谁都"等时.译成one为formal language.译成you为informal language.如:
One must love one`s country. (formal)
You must love your country. (informal)
(f) 关于I. me. he. him. etc.
He says she saw you and me. (formal)
He says she saw you and I. (inform
F. 动名词
Mr. Li dislikes Zhang Hui`s coming home late.
There will be little chance of my visiting the place again.
Li Wen`s falling ill suddenly gave me a surprise.
口语中一般以代词的宾格或名词普通格加分词.for加宾语加不定式.从句.独立句等方式表达.如:Mr. Li dislikes Zhang Hui coming home late.
There will be little chance for me to visit the place again.
Li Wen fell ill suddenly. This gave me a surprise.
G. 关于缩写
用缩写形式多为非正式语言.而用非缩写形式多为正式语言.如:do not. we are. I am. I have. there is. cannot. will not等多见于正式语言.而don`t. we`re. I`m. I`ve. there`s. can`t. won`t多见于非正式语言.exam. bike等多用于口语.examination. bicycle等多用于书面语.oh. dear. why. well等是口语中常见的感叹词.
2. 从句法来看语体的区别
A. 修饰语
There exist complex computations in science and engineering which people are unable to make. (written)
There are complex computations in science and engineering. and people are unable to make those computations. (colloquial)
B. 句子的长短
(a) 议论文.商业或法律公文等书面语不仅常用较长的修饰语.而且有时用较长的插入语.甚至插入语中还有插入语.但在一般的口语中则不用较长的插入语.常用的较短插入语有:of course. for example. I believe. I think. you see. you know. to be frank. etc.
(b) 在书面语中.一个句子有时有好几个关系代词,而口语中关系代词则用的极少.往往被分成几个简单句.如:
These needles. which were made of fish-shaped pieces of iron that floated on water. were acted on by the earth`s magnetic field. (formal)
These needles were made of fish-shaped pieces of iron that floated on water. They were acted on by the earth`s magnetic field. (informal)
C. 关于时态
-Is anybody using this chair?
-No. I saved it for you.
She is coming tomorrow.
He says it is very important.
D. 虚拟语气
If Mr. Wang was here now. he would tell you about it. (informal)
If Mr. Wang were here now. he would tell you about it. (formal)
(b) 有一些表示主观愿望和情绪的形容词.如desirous等要求后面的状语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气.这种结构主要用于书面语中.口语中往往用不定式来代替这种从句.如:
He was anxious that we should stay for dinner. (formal)
He was anxious to have us stay for dinner. (informal)
E. 语序
F. 关于省略
(a) 在正式文字或正式场合的对话中.一般要用完整的句子.在口语中用省略句较多.主要是为了节省时间.使对话自然.生动.简洁.有力.如:
Where to go now? Why not do it this way?
(b) 在正式语言中.所省略的部分一般都是前边出现过的.如:He had finished the work and gone home.
(c) 关系代词在限定性定语从句中做谓语动词宾语或介词宾语时.在口语中一般省去.如:
The girl you spoke to just now is my sister.
(d) 宾语从句前的that在口语中往往省去.表语后面的从句之前的that在口语中也常省去.如:
He said he would go to London.
I`m afraid he is right.
G. 主谓语的一致性
Neither he nor his wife have arrived. (informal)
Neither he nor his wife has arrived. (formal)

第1个回答  2013-06-06
mind smoking 是介意吸烟的意思 mind sb's smoking 是介意某人抽烟的意思,在mind后面加上sb或sb's,说明吸烟的动作是sb发出的。在非正式场合可以用宾格,这是动名词的复合结构。追问

