one of的意思和用法。

one of, both of, all of, some of, most of, the rest of, none of.的用法和意义


ONE OF表示其中一个
both of 表示两者都怎么怎么样,后面的名词必须指两者
all of 表示三者或三者以上都怎样,后面的名词得是表示三者或更多
some of表示其中一部分怎样
most of表示大多数怎样
the rest of 表示其余的怎样
none of和all of相反,表示所有都不怎样,of后面的名词也必须是表示三者或更多

One of the students had passed the exam.
I like both of the paintings.这里仅表示两幅paintings。
I like all/none of the paintings.这里的paintings必须是三个或三个以上
Some of the students just passed the exam,but the rest (of the students) didn't.为避免重复,括号里的最好不要说,否则句子累赘
most of 用法和上面一样

另外补充一下,both和both of的用法区别
1.两者都可以用在名词前面,但名词必须得加限定词:I like both (of )the paintings.必须加the
2.both可用在不加限定词的名词前,但both of 不行:I like both paintings.
3.both of可用在人称代词前面,例如I‘d like both of them to come.
4.both可放在人称代词的后面I‘d like them both to come.它的意思与第三点一样
第1个回答  2020-11-08
第2个回答  2013-07-30
one of 是“……之一”的意思,后面加的名词要写成复数形式
第3个回答  2013-07-30
one of 其中一个
one of 后面加复数名词 He is one of my friends.
both of两个都是 Both of us are in Class 2.
all of 全部都是(三个或三个以上)All of them are boys.
most of 大多数是 Most of them are middle school students.
the rest of 剩下的 I am going to read the rest of the book.
none of没有一个是 None of the books are mine.