

lout = An awkward and stupid person; an oaf, 笨拙,愚蠢,不灵活,呆子
lubber = a big, awkward, or stupid person 蠢大的人
lummox = A clumsy or stupid person. 笨拙或愚蠢的人
lumpish = (非正式)Stupid or dull. 蠢或迟钝
lamebrain = a stupid person, a dolt 苯人
lurdan = (非正式)a stupid or dull person;dull or stupid
loon = (非正式)a simple-minded or stupid person
lout = An awkward and stupid person; an oaf.
lumpen = (非正式)stupid or unthinking,愚蠢,或不动脑子
lobcock =A dull, sluggish person; a lubber; a lob. 迟钝,懒散的人
loggerhead = (非正式)A blockhead; a dolt.傻瓜,笨蛋
looby = a foolish or stupid person
loord = A dull, stupid fellow; a drone. 迟钝,蠢货,不务正业的人
lug = (俚语)A clumsy fool; a blockhead.
lunkhead = (俚语)A stupid person; a dolt.
loopy = (非正式)slightly mad, crazy, or stupid 稍微愤怒或疯狂,或苯
lubberly = A clumsy person.(不灵活,笨拙的人)
luser = loser+user,这个源自MIT的IT用语,表示person who doesn't have the faintest idea what they're doing and who, more importantly, refuses to do anything about it. 有蠢,不灵活,死脑筋的意思。
第1个回答  2013-07-29
第2个回答  2013-07-29
Loser 通常是来骂人的