300字英语作文,水平高点的 <给你2种工作,1种高薪,一种你喜欢.> 回答完在加赏100, 跪求了.


Should stars be high-paid?
At present, this kind of phenomenon is very common
in our society : more and more stars appear on stage ,they
bring pleasure to commons and they provide
entertainment which make people relax in the interim to
work.But they are definitely overpaid.
Stars engaged in sports and entertainment may have
different skills and talents,but they almost have one thing
in common:high salary.Is the phenomenon normal?Should
stars be high-paid?My answer is nope.
Although they may master peculiar skills,but many
other ordinary professions also require special skills,and
requires years of education and special training.Such
income inequality makes people doubtful of the role of
accepting eduction,it's harmful to next generation.

may choose to give up school study and pursue to get
money much easier like the sports star or the pop star.Such
thing has came to a reality,what a tragedy.
Things should be done to make salaries fairer.
Government should impose heavy taxes upon stars who
earn excessively high salaries, greater amount of money
should be given to civil who make more contributions to
the society,such as scientists,teachers,doctors.It's so
inequitable that scientist who win Nobel prize even earn

should be given to civil who make more contributions to the society,such as scientists,teachers,doctors.It's so inequitable that scientist who win Nobel prize even earn less than stars.
第1个回答  2013-08-06
chaces are everywhere in today's life if only you can see them.if you have choices,it's whether take a well-paid job or the one you like?is it hard to deside?now let's think about it
what about a well-paid one?it may lead you to a better life, perhaps you will even have the chance to deal with upper class people. as i can imagine, you will spend a lot of time and enegry on it and it would be a very meaningful and excited experience.on the other hand, maybe,no matter how much you received,you feel tired and borig,still,
what about the job you like?while you doing the same old thig every day,will you still like it? how can you keep you eager forever?if the job you like is well paid,no doubt will you choose it,but what if it's not,what if you earn little and can hardly make a living,will you give up?
i don't know you aswer, however.if i'm facing the problem,i will think about it over and over and over again,the poet frost did't give up his dream however poor he is and he became such a great successyears later.
so thiink about it
第2个回答  2013-08-06