节奏轻快的英文歌 歌词有rainy day

男生唱的 歌词我只记得oh.it's a rainy day

歌名:shining friends 演唱:2R

little faith, brightens are rainy day (小小的信念照亮那下雨天了)
life is difficult u can go away (生命难苦困 你总不能逃避)
don't hide your selvies in a corner(不要躲於角落)
you have my place to stay( 我的胸怀可让你依靠)
sorrow is gonna say goodbye( 忧伤终会跟你说再见)
opens up u see the happy sunshine( 张开眼睛你会快乐的阳光)
keep going on with your dream( 继续追寻梦想)
chasing to morrow sunrise (想着明天的太阳追赶)
the spirit can never die (不会逝去是信念与理想)
sun will shine my friend (好朋友太阳会闪燿)
wont let you cry my dear (谁都不会令你流泪)
seeing you , share the tear (你的 一滴眼泪)
make my world disappear (会让我的世界灰暗)
you never be alone in darkness(在黑暗中你永不会孤独)
see my smile my friend (好朋友看我的 笑颜)
we are with you holding hands(手牵手我们和你一起走)
you have god to believe (再我宁静的心灵)
you are my destiny (你是我的信念与目标)
we meant to be your friends (我们永远都会再一起)
that's what a friendship be( 因为我们是朋友)
第1个回答  2013-07-25
No Matter(不管如何) - Angel
Doesn't matter whom you are with
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here for you
你知道吗 我还是会在这里等你
And pray for you
In the sunny days, Sun will light your day
在晴天 太阳会照亮你的日子
In the windy days, when will we go away?
刮风时 我们会在何时离开?
I have to say, you're my treasure moments
我要说 我最珍惜有你在的时刻
Never gonna walk away
In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
下雨天 雨水会分担我的泪水
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
暴风雨中 狂风会夺去我的痛楚
Just go your way and leave things all behind
你继续向前走吧 把其他东西都放下
Spread your wings and fly away
展开你的翅膀 飞走吧
I'm pretending you're mine
I'm wishing you'll be fine
The moments we share never die
我们曾分享过的时光 永远不会消失
You've made a difference to my life
And let me realize
The feeling I've got deep inside
第2个回答  2015-08-14
Rainy Day(Studio Version)
Fool's Garden—High Times -Best Of
第3个回答  2013-07-25
the fighter