
Blinded by a meaningless imperfection and impossible goal,Aylmer had thrown away her life and with it his chance for happiness.这句话中的with it 和后面的his chance是什么??并列??

答:with it 是介词短语。句子结构是:sb. throw away A and B with it. (it指A)表示某人扔掉了A, 并随之也扔掉了B。就好比某人泼出了脏水,随之将婴儿也一起给泼了出去一样。
因为对楼主给的句子一会用her life, 一会又是his chance 有疑问,搜索网络,发现它摘自VOA的Special English, 讲的是霍桑写的《胎记》Short Story:"The Birthmark"by Nathaniel Hawthorne 最后一段。
第1个回答  2013-07-24
Blinded by a meaningless imperfection and impossible goal,Aylmer had thrown away her life and with it his chance for happiness.这句话中的with it 和后面的his chance for happiness 是伴随关系

his chance for happiness可以看做并列的宾语
=Aylmer had thrown away her life and with it he had thrown away his chance for happiness.
第2个回答  2013-07-24
his chance 和 her life 是并列关系,是had thrown her life 的原因
第3个回答  2013-07-24
it 是指life,她放弃了她的人生以及快乐的权利。也就是说形似走肉了