
1.看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。2.听她说话的口气她好像去过美国 。 3.好像这个问题没有解决的办法 4.无论他走到哪,我都会找到他 。5.他们不论出现在哪儿,都会遇到强烈的抗议

     It seems like everyone else knows this except me. 2. She sounds as if she had gone to America before. 3.This question doesn't seem to have a solution yet. 4. I can find him no matter where he goes. 5. They would encounter intense protest no matter where they goes.

手打地道翻译 = =

第1个回答  2013-08-12
  1.看上去好像除了我之外别人都知道。It seems that everyone knows about it except me.
  2.听她说话的口气她好像去过美国It looks as if / as though he had been to America when he is speaking.
  3.好像这个问题没有解决的办法This problem seems to have no approach to be solved.
  4.无论他走到哪,我都会找到他 。Wherever he goes,I will find him.
  5.他们不论出现在哪儿,都会遇到强烈的抗议Wherever the appear,the will meet the situation of being strongly protested.
第2个回答  2013-08-12

    It looks like everyone knows except me. 或者 Looks like I'm the last one to know. 这句话的意思是看上去我是最后一个知道的。 

    From the way she talks, it seems like she has been to America, 

    There doesn't seem to be a solution for this problem. 或者 This problem seems unsolvable.  

    Doesn't matter where he goes, I will find him. 或者 I'll find him, wherever he goes. 

    Wherever they make an appearance, they are confronted with strong protests. 

第3个回答  2013-08-12
Seems I'm the only insider of this.
2.听她说话的口气她好像去过美国 。
By her speaking tone(accent), seems she had ever been to US.
Seems this problem is still up in the air.
4.无论他走到哪,我都会找到他 。
I will get him no matter where he is.
They will get strong protest wherever they go. // The protest goes with them.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2013-08-12
1. It seems like except me, everyone else knows.
2. She speaks as though she has been to the U.S.
3. It seems like the problem cannot be solved.
4. Wherever he goes, I will find him.
5. Wherever they show up, they will face strong protest.