帮忙翻译,非常谢谢 文化与基础老师课堂上花了四个课时放映了一个关于美国的纪录片,这个记录片主着实


As the world's superpower, the United States is worth learning in some ways。I come here to talk about my views on American agriculture.

2% of the agricultural population of the United States to feed 98% people, this I know.
But they do not know the extent of their agricultural development to
this extent, the scale of the huge people marvel, it should be said that
industrialization and technology of agriculture. To see the end of the first episode, I know that the risk is highly efficient, which is universal.
California in the United States is a big agricultural state, this I know.
But do not know in addition to Sunkist orange producing so many fruits
and vegetables, many, many, tomato can not only export a lot of, more
than to engage in Tomato Fight! Of course, this is not free, to 10 knife / person. The states that the sun, the sand and the fat women are so magical in agriculture.
after watching the film, I almost broke the heart of American food. The United States to see what is the manufacture of their pesticides as many as 40 kinds of bees, bees have to eat before the anti toxin. Film in the United States in the case of advanced agricultural industrialization, has brought a series of problems, water resources and pests and other issues. Is also a problem for all agriculture. In the process of industrialization, agriculture has entered a period of rapid development. At last, it is said that the return of agriculture is traditional. Like Detroit Automobile City, after the industrial decline, the development of urban agriculture, organic agriculture. Future development direction, but only a small part of the. Maybe in the future, the rich people is to eat organic food, the average person can only eat the industrial products, a lot of hormones, pesticides and pesticide residues.