

    在家用电脑学习:learn with computer at home

    更多的空闲时间:more spare time

    订正一下:处于极大的危险之中是:be in great dangerous

    长的像人类:look like humans

    做和人类一样的工作:working like people

    帮忙做家务:assist(或是help也可以) with housework

    一遍又一遍:over and over again

    从不厌倦:never boredom

    能够做某事:be able to

    花数百年时间:take hundreds of years

    在不远的将来:in the near further

    在某种情况下:in some case

    同意某事:agree on sth

第1个回答  2015-12-05
learn with computer at home追答

more spare time

look like humans

working like people

assist to do home work

again and again

never boredom

can do

be able to

take hundreds of years

in the near further

in the near future

in some case

agree on