

否定句: 1.her car is not very small. 2.lily and jack are not in grade 7. 3.i am not an english teacher 只要在be动词后面加上一个否定的not就可以了。 反意疑问句(就是中文里面的反问句) 1.her can is not very small, isn't it? 2.lily and jack are in grade 7, aren't they? 3.一般自己的不这么反问吧。. 就是摘抄原句,加逗号,然后将前面的be改称be not或者把前面的be not改成be,然后跟上一个代词,加上问号,就可以了。 疑问句: 1.is her car very small? 2.Are lily and jack in grade 7? 3.Am I an english teacher? be动词提前即可。 反问句: 1.isn't her car very small? 2.aren't lily and jack in grade 7? 3.一般不反问 把be动词否定后提前追答

两句都正确的。 第一句是把did not分开写的,而第二句是把did not连在一起写的。 个人认为,第二句更常用的。 如: Why didn't you leave yesterday? 要比 Why did you not leave yesterday?更常见,更口语化。 还有许多的: do not ——don't does not——doesn't will not——won't shall not——shan't can not——can't

两句都正确的。 第一句是把did not分开写的,而第二句是把did not连在一起写的。 个人认为,第二句更常用的。 如: Why didn't you leave yesterday? 要比 Why did you not leave yesterday?更常见,更口语化。 还有许多的: do not ——don't does not——doesn't will not——won't shall not——shan't can not——can't

第1个回答  2013-09-01
1. 将be动词和not 缩写,放句首提问:Aren't you Tom? 你难道不是Tom?
2. 将情态动词和not 缩写,放句首提问:Can't you be quiet? 你难道就不能安静点?
3. 将do 和not 缩写,放句首提问:Lili has gone abroad. Don't you know? Lili 出国了,难道你不知道?
将does 和not 缩写,放句首提问:Doesn't he like mutton? 难道他不喜欢吃羊肉?
将did 和 not 缩写,放句首提问:Didn't you listen to the teacher? 你难道没听老师说?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-01
what's your problem exactly?