

Ben: Hi, Kitty.
Kitty: Hi, Ben.
Ben: Let’s have a camp trip this Saturday.
Kitty: Great! What do we need?
Ben: We need some bread and drinks.
Kitty: What drink do you like?
Ben: I like apple juice. What about you?
Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink.
Ben: All right. Let’s go to the supermarket now.
Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money.
( ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday.
( ) 2. They only need something to drink.
( ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things.
( ) 4. Ben’s favourite drink is milk.
( ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him.
( ) 6. They have enough money now.
Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is the first day at school. Her teachers are very good. The other (其他的) children are very friendly (友好的). She likes the school very much. After school, she goes home with the other children.
The next day, she doesn’t go home with the other children. She asks a question to the teacher, Miss Brown. “What did I do at school today?” “Why (为什么) do you ask me the question?” Miss Brown asks her. “Because my mother will ask me the question at home.”
( ) 1. Mary the first day at school.
A. doesn’t like B. likes
( ) 2. The other boys and girls in her school are very .
A. lovely B. good C. friendly
( ) 3. Mary’s teacher is .
A. Mrs Brown B. Miss Green C. Miss Brown
( ) 4. On , she goes home with the other children.
A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day
( ) 5. At home, Mary’s mother will ask her .
A. what she did at school B. where she was C. who is her teacher
rich man decide(决定)to give his mother a birthday present. “My present will be better than any of my brother’s, ”he thought. He heard about an amazing(令人惊异)bird. The bird could speak five languages(语言).He bought the bird at once and sent it to his mother. It cost(花费)him 100 yuan. The day after her birthday, he called his mother. “How did you like the bird, mother?” he asked eagerly(亲切地).His mother answered“delicious!”
( )1. The rich man bought his mother a birthday present.
( ) 2. The rich man had only one brother.
( ) 3. The rich man gave his mother a cheap (便宜)present.
( )4. The bird was very dear.
( )5. From the story we know the rich man’s mother ate the bird 难度我也不知道算不算大,好像蛮简单的……到百度上去搜好了,一搜一大堆了,如果要难的肯定会有新单词,而且我前阵子发现……有些我觉得难的阅读,到网上一搜,都是中考的阅读……上次找到过,如果要的话我再找找看好了,TF判断好像不多
第1个回答  2013-09-06
多看看english daily吧,我的四级就是这样过的