

Unit 2
1. 过去常做某事(现在不做了)
2. 我过去常害怕黑暗.
3. 他过去戴隐形眼镜.
4. 你过去常弹琴吗?
5. 我过去不曾喜欢考试.
6. 你曾经很矮,不是吗?
7. 我过去常害怕单独一人.
8. 我仍然害怕在飞机上飞.
9. 害怕…
10. 我害怕黑暗.
11. 害怕做某事情
12. 恐怕…
13. 恐怕我不知道.
14. 我害怕蛇.
15. 他害怕在晚上出去.
16. 对…感兴趣
17. 我对学英语很感兴趣.
18. 请等等
19. 在游泳队
20. 人们一定会改变.
21. 去睡觉
22. 入睡
23. 睡得很香
24. 让卧室的灯开着
25. 我开着卧室的灯入睡.
26. 体育课
27. 音乐课
28. 画画
29. 别的昆虫
30. 走去学校
31. 别担忧…
32. 一直
33. 在过去
34. 如今
35. 整天
36. 整晚
37. 直接回家
38. 花时间做某事
39. 花时间在某事上
40. 做某事花了某人…时间
41. 某样东西花了某人多少钱
42. A为了..付给B…钱.
43. 我过去常花许多时间玩游戏.
44. 不再…
45. 不再
46. 我不再有时间了.

used to do
I used to be afraid of the dark.
He used to wear contact lenses.
Did you use to play the piano?
I didn’t use to like tests.
You used to be short, didn’t you?
I used to be afraid of being alone.
I am still afraid of flying in an airplane.
be afraid of=be terrified of
I’m afraid/terrified of the dark.
be afraid to do sth
I’m afraid that+句子
I’m afraid that I don’t know.
I’m afraid of snakes.
He is afraid to go out in the dark.
be interested in…
I’m interested in studying English.
Wait a minute.
on the swim team
People sure change.
go to bed
go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep=be asleep
fall fast/sound asleep
with the bedroom light on
I go to sleep with the bedroom light on
gym class
music class
paint pictures
other insects(other+复数名词)
walk to school=come to school on foot
don’t worry about…
all the time
in the past
these days
all day
all night
go right home
spend time doing sth
spend time on sth
It takes sb some time to do sth
Sth cost sb some money
A pay B some money for sth
I used to spend lots of time playing games.
not …anymore=not…any longer=no more
=no longer
I don’t have time anymore.
=I no more have time.

47. 他不再和我们在一块啦.

48. 带某人去某地
49. 带我去演奏会
50. 有时间做某事
51. 有时间去演奏会
52. 想念以前的日子
53. 在过去的几年里
54. 在过去的几年里我的生活改变了很多
55. 日常生活
56. 日常工作
57. 我不介意他们.
58. 看漫画
59. 使你紧张
60. 加入到某人当中
61. 搬去…
62. 搬去另一个镇上
63. 我让它长得很长.
64. 似乎…
65. 某人似乎在做某事
66. 似乎+adj.
67. 似乎像+n.
68. 似乎他改变了很多.
69. 似乎他改变了很多.
70. 这些花似乎很漂亮.
71. 这似乎像一个忙碌的休息日.
72. 改变了某人的生活
73. 改变主意
74. 他是一个十五岁的男孩
75. 这个男孩是十五岁.
76. 一个问题儿童
77. 一个最近的谈话
78. 变得更困难的更多
79. 能负担的起…
80. 有钱做…
81. 他没钱付她的教育费
82. 我负担不起它.
83. 尽可能…
84. 尽可能快的
85. 尽可能早的
86. 尽可能多的
87. 他尽可能好的照顾他.
88. 吃尽可能多的苹果.
89. 喝尽可能多的水.
90. 跑得尽可能的快.
91. 请尽早回家.
92. 与…陷入麻烦中
93. 在做某事上有问题

He was no longer with us.=He wasn’t with us any longer.
take sb to sp
take me to concerts
have time for sth=have time to do sth
have time for concerts=have time to go to the concerts
miss the old days
in the last/past few years
My life has changed a lot in the last few years.
daily life
daily work
I don’t mind them.
read comics
make you stressed out
join sb
move to…
move to another town
I grow it long.
It seems that+句子
Sb seemed to do sth
seem like+n.
It seems that he has changed a lot.
He seems to change a lot.
These flowers seem beautiful.
It seems like a busy day off.
change one’s life
change one’s idea
He is a fifteen-year-old boy.
The boy is fifteen years old.
a problem boy
a recent conversation
become much more difficult
can afford sth
can afford to do sth
He can’t afford to pay for his education.
I can’t afford it.
as…as possible=as…as you can/could
as quickly as possible=as quickly as you can
as soon as possible=as soon as you can
as many as possible=as many as you can
He looked after him as well as possible.
Eat apples as many as possible.
Drink water as much as possible.
Run as quickly as possible.
Please go home as early as possible.
get into trouble with sb
have trouble doing sth

95. 你怎么啦?
96. 很抱歉打扰你.
97. 有耐心的
98. 一个耐心的妈妈
99. 最后
100. 作出决定
101. 决定做…
102. 选定…,决定…(+n.)
103. 决定去加拿大
104. 送给某人某物
105. 送某人去某地
106. 送他一张卡片
107. 送他去男孩寄宿学校
108. 班主任
109. 做某事对某人来说是必要的.
110. 对他来说和他妈妈谈是必要的.
111. 令某人惊讶的是
112. 令他惊讶的是这个电话改变了他的一生.
113. 惊讶于…
114. 一个令人惊讶的结果
115. 确切的了解
116. 确切的我所需要的
117. 帮助某人做某事
118. 帮助我理解了…
119. 即使…
120. 即使他错了,他也不改变主意.
121. 与某人在一起
122. 因…而骄傲
123. 因我做的每件好事而骄傲
124. 主句+since+从句(主句用现完,从句用一 般过去时)
125. 使某人…(+adj.)
126. 使某人做某事
127. 注意…(+n.)
128. 使我更注意他
129. 对…感觉很好
130. 对自己感觉很好
131. 放弃做某事
132. 放弃试着帮他
133. 他死了.
134. 他要死了.
135. 他的死使得我很难过.
136. 浪费时间
137. 嚼口香糖
138. 吃糖
139. 习惯于做…
140. 我习惯于早起.

cause a lot of trouble
What’s your trouble?
I’m sorry to trouble you.
be patient
a patient mother
in the end=at last=finally
make a decision
decide to do sth
decide on sth
decide to go to Canada=decide on Canada
send sb sth=send sth to sb
send sb to sp.
send him a card=send a card to him
send him to a boys’ boarding school
head teaher
It’s necessary for sb to do sth
It’s necessary for him to talk with his mother.
to one’s surprise
To his surprise, the phone call changed his life.
be surprised/amazed at, be surprised to do sth
a surprising result
know exactly
exactly what I needed
help sb do sth=help sb to do sth
help me understand..
even though=even if
Even though he is wrong, he won’t change his mind.
be with sb
take pride in=be proud of
take pride in everything good I do
Since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone.
make sb+adj.
make sb do sth
pay attention to +n./doing
make me pay more attention to him
feel good about…
feel good about himself
give up doing sth
give up trying to help him
He died.
He is going to die.
His death made me unhappy.
waste time
chew gum
eat candy
be used to doing
I am used to getting up early.
第1个回答  2014-09-08
第2个回答  2013-09-07