



Gone with the wind is a novel written by American writer Margaret Mitchell, who won the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 1937. Taking Atlanta and a nearby plantation as the story scene, the novel depicts the life of American southerners before and after the civil war.


The works depict the images of many southerners at that time, among which Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie are the typical representatives. Their customs, manners, spiritual concepts, political attitudes, through the love entanglement between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett as the main line, successfully reproduced the civil war in Lincoln period and the social life in the southern region of the United States.


Feminist literature began in the 19th century and flourished in the 20th century. The rapid development of feminism is closely related to the social environment and the background of the times.


With the ideas of freedom, equality, fraternity and natural human rights advocated by the French Revolution rapidly rooted in the hearts of the people all over the world, from the 1930s, a feminist movement began to fight for women's equality in politics, economy and education. In 1936, Margaret Mitchell's gone with the wind came out under such circumstances.


第1个回答  推荐于2018-09-20
乱世佳人-英文简介 GONE WITH THE WIND is a love story which took place during the American Civil War. The main character is Scarlett, whose father owned a big plantation called Tara in the southern state of Georgia. She fell in love with Ashley, but he loved his cousin Melanie and married her. Scarlett first married Charles and unfortunately he died in the war. Scarlett became a widow. When the war ended, life was really hard for her family and Scarlett took charge of the whole family. Later she married Frank who was shot to death and she became a widow again.

The third time she married Rhett Butler, a businessman, and they had a baby girl called Bangni. Bangni unexpectedly died from a fall because of an accident. After a series of events, Scarlett finally came to understand that what she really needed was Rhett Butler. Because there were some misunderstandings between them, Rhett Butler could no longer trust her and he was determined to leave Scarlett.
The film describes her bitter life experience. Scarlett looked forward to the arrival of a better tomorrow.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-08-25
Hot-tempered, self-centered, part-Irish Southern beauty Scarlett O’Hara, played to the teeth by Vivien Leigh, loves the gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes. Smug, rebellious, honest blockade-running profiteer Rhett Butler, portrayed gracefully and naturally by Clark Gable, loves Scarlett. Ashley, who is also in love with Scarlett, marries his genteel cousin Melanie because he believes that their quiet similarities will create a better marriage than Scarlett’s passion. Meanwhile, sparks fly between Rhett and Scarlett at their first encounter and continue throughout Scarlett’s first two marriages. Scarlett and Rhett finally wed, but Scarlett continues to pine for her beloved Ashley. Set against the Civil War and Southern Reconstruction, this tragic love quadrangle offers the burning of Atlanta and fields of wounded Confederates as part of its lush scenery. Meticulous backdrops, glorious sunsets, numerous silhouettes, and the ultrasaturated Technicolor film create a hyperreal vision. The romantic score is every bit as lush and dramatic as the photography, borrowing folk melodies from the Old South to make the tragic war concrete. Heavy nostalgic tones pervade the often witty dialogue and larger-than-life charms and faults of the leads. GONE WITH THE WIND stands among the greatest epic dramas ever filmed.
第3个回答  2013-08-25
Gone with the Wind