

    成功大易,而获实丰于斯所期,浅人喜焉,而深识者方以为吊。 —— 梁启超
    Success is easy to win, Shifeng, on stage, shallow and deep knowledge of people like Yan, who thought of hanging. -- Liang Qichao

    生活是一种绵延不绝的渴望,渴望不断上升,变得更伟大而高贵。 —— 杜伽尔
    Life is a kind of endless yearning, eager to continue to rise, become more great and noble. -- Dougall

    真实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。 —— 德莱塞
    Truth is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values. -- Dreiser

    人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 —— 车尔尼雪夫斯基
    Human activity, if not inspired, will become empty and small. -- Chernyshev J Ki

    最成功的说谎者是那些使最少量的谎言发挥最大的作用的人。 —— 塞·巴特勒
    The most successful liar who lies to play a minimal role in most of the people. -- Jose Butler

    管理的第一目标是使较高工资与较低的劳动成本结合起来。 —— 泰罗
    Management's first goal is to make higher wages and lower labor costs combined. -- Taylor

