

用on例句:China's Law of Criminal Procedure provides specific regulations on the deadline for handling criminal cases.中国刑事诉讼法对刑事案件的办案期限,作了具体的规定。 2.He added tougher listing regulations on the LSE would be another reason why Rusal could take its business east.他补充称,伦敦证交所更为严格的上市规则,是导致俄罗斯铝业将IPO转向东方的另一个原因3.In recent years, many countries and international organization have proposed regulations on the harmonics of power equipment.许多国家和国际组织相继制定了一系列限制用电设备谐波的标准。4.But Mr Ritter had slapped punitive regulations on the oil and gas industry, and failed to compete effectively for big military projects.但是现在州长黎特尔却断然对石油、天然气行业采取惩罚性措施,而且连一个大型军事项目都没争取到。
第1个回答  2015-04-03
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