Would you mind 的用法和句型.例句加翻译


would you mind 你介意…吗短语 Then Would You Mind那你能否Would you mind?你们不介意吧Would you mind doing你介意做某事吗Would you mind less noise能不能小Would you mind doing sth你介意…吗No. Would you mind不Would you mind cleaningyour room?作否定回答No. Would you mind?不例句Would you mind giving her a message?你介不介意给她带个口信?Would you mind if I sit out this dance?这支舞曲我不想跳了,你介意吗?Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn off the radio?要是关掉收音机你介意吗?。Would you mind giving me a lift to school?你介意我搭您的车到学校吗?Would you mind pressing the shutter for me?你介意替我按下快门吗?Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too?能把我的挡风玻璃擦一下吗?Would you mind my keeping it for another week?能让我再借一个星期吗?Would you mind telling me? And then I tell her.能告诉我吗?然后我转告她。Would you mind filling in the registration form?请您填一下住宿登记表好吗?Would you mind if I turn down the TV set a little?如果我把电视声音调低一点,你介意吗Would you mind telling me what Mr. Morton is like?你能告诉墨顿先生是怎样的一个人吗?Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door?如果我在隔壁办公室吸烟,你介意吗?Well, yes. Would you mind buying some fruit for me?如果你不介意的话,替我买些水果好吗?Would you mind giving (taking) him a message for me?请你替我带个口信给他好吗?。Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite latch on.这句话请你再说一遍好吗?我没完全听懂。Oh, she is eating now. Would you mind calling back later?噢,她正在吃饭。您能过会儿再打吗?Would you mind opening all of the suitcases, please, Sir?先生,请您打开所有的行李箱好吗?Would you mind telling me something about Valentine's Day?你给我讲讲情人节可以吗?Would you mind saying that again, I didn't quite latch on .请你再说一遍,我没有完全听懂。Would you mind giving me a glass of water and some aspirin?劳驾给我一杯水和一点阿司匹林好吗?Would you mind telling me how to use the automatic teller machine?您介意告诉我怎么使用自动柜员机吗?Sir, would you mind ha v in ga se at in thew a ating room for a moment?先生,请问您介意在休息室等一会儿吗?Would you mind picking up my schoolwork and bringing it over to my house?你愿意帮我到学校拿作业,然后带到我家来吗?Would you mind satisfying my curiosity on a point which has bothered me for some time?有个问题我百思不得其解,你愿意满足我的好奇心吗?I'm afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind a table in the main restaurant?恐怕所有的个别餐室都被订光了,您不介意在主厅用餐吧?I want you to download this file from the Internet. Would you mind if I use your computer this evening?我想请你帮我把这个文件从因特网上下载下来。你介意我今天晚上用一下你的电脑吗?I'm sorry. My Graber is delayed due to traffic. But Mr. Grabber called just now and said he would be back soon. Would you mind waiting?莫:很抱歉,格雷勃先生因交通阻塞未及时赶回,不过格雷勃先生打电话回来说他很快就到。请您稍等,好吗?
第1个回答  2013-08-15
Would you like +名词/代词?表示客气地建议或邀请
意为 你想要---?
基本肯定答语:Yes, please.
基本否定答语:No, thanks.

这与Would you like to do something ?结构用法不同!
Would you mind 后面一般加动词的进行式,即Would you mind + doing.
例:Would you mind looking after my baby while I'm away?

1. Would you mind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing.
例:Would you mind me/my smoking here?
Would you mind me/my opening the window?
2.Would you mind + if 从句。
例:Would you mind if I smoke?
Would you mind if I were to say...

Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿,不用在朋友之间,或者普通、随便的场合。

Yes, I'd love to.
Yes, please.
No, thank you.
Sorry, I'm afraid not.
第2个回答  2013-08-15
mind doing something.例句:would you mind opening the window?你介意开窗户吗。
第3个回答  2013-08-15
Would you mind 后面一般加动词的进行式,即Would you mind + doing.
例:Would you mind looking after my baby while I'm away?


1. Would you mind + 名词宾格/形容词性物主代词 + doing.
例:Would you mind me/my smoking here?


Would you mind me/my opening the window?

2.Would you mind + if 从句。
例:Would you mind if I smoke?


Would you mind if I were to say...


Would you mind 句型一般用在面对陌生人时或者非常正式的场合,用来表达委婉、客气的意愿,不用在朋友之间,或者普通、随便的场合。
注意:Would you mind 后面不能加不定式,即to do本回答被网友采纳