
How to deal with pressure According to a psychology book,people who have more pressure will be more likely to get sick,but the question is that where pressure comes from.Stress can originate from ourselves.In our lifetime,we may encounter numerous obstacles,which will bring us a lot of pressure.The real challenge for us is to face them.The solutions to coping with pressure may vary from one person to another.As for students,pressure mainly originates fromtests..So we should learn how to manage our time appropriately.Last year,I made a time plan for myself.In the plan,I tried hard to balance my time of study and relaxation.As a result,I got a surprisingly good grade in the exam.

第1个回答  2013-08-27
如何根据心理学书应对压力,有压力的人会更容易生病,但问题是,这种压力来自何处。应力可以来自我们自己。在我们的一生中,我们会遇到许多障碍,这将给我们带来很多压力。我们真正的挑战是面对它们。为了应对压力的解决方案可能会有所不同从一个人到另一个。作为学生,压力主要来源于fromtests ..因此,我们应该学会如何管理时间。去年,我给自己做了一个计划。在计划中,我努力平衡我的学习和放松时间。因此,我在考试中取得了出人意料的好成绩