
Tom was having much troubles getting up in the (___)morning and was always late with work.his boss wanted to(___)fire him if he drdn't start coming on time,but he went to(___)the doctor for a help.The doctor gave him some medioing (___)and told him to take them before he went to bed.The(___)man did as told and seally well,wake up before the(____)alarm had evdn gone off.He had time for a properly(_


Tom was having much troubles getting up in the (_1__)
morning and was always late with work.his boss wanted to(_2__)
fire him if he (didn't) start coming on time,but he went to(_3__)
the doctor for a help.The doctor gave him some (medicine) (_4__)
and told him to take them before he went to bed.The(_5__)
man did as told and (slept really) well,wake up before the(__6__)
alarm had (even) gone off.He had time for a properly...(_7_)

注: --前为句中错误,--后为改正后的正确答案:

1.troubles--trouble: trouble为不可数名词,故不能用复数形式.

2.with--for: be late for work,"上班迟到",为固定用法.


4.a help--help: 因为help为不可数名词,故应去掉它前面的不定冠词a.



第1个回答  2013-03-26
troubles -> trouble
with -> for
coming -> to come
a help -> help
mediocing ?
wake -> woke
第2个回答  2013-03-27
Tom was having much troubles getting up in the (__trouble_)morning and was always late with work.his boss wanted to(_for__)fire him if he drdn't start coming on time,but he went to(_so__)the doctor for a help.The doctor gave him some medioing (_medicine__)and told him to take them before he went to bed.The(_it__)man did as told and seally well,wake up before the(__woke__)alarm had evdn gone off.He had time for a properly...