
今天我很荣幸站在这里给大家演讲,今天我演讲的题目是“less is more”。在我的理解里,“less is more”就是指简单就是幸福,当代人如今都在想方设法的定义幸福,人们常说小时候幸福是简单的,长大了简单便是幸福。人们往往因为工作的竞争,人和人之间的关系变得越来越复杂,我觉得这就是忘了简单的本质。有的时候把一些事物看简单,心无杂念,这才是幸福。思想过于复杂,想的事太多只会让自己头疼。生活也是如此,过简单的生活,有时候在自己忙碌的时候听听音乐,看一部电影,和自己朋友一起疯狂……这就是我对“less is more”的理解,谢谢。

Today I am honored to stand here speech for everyone, the title of my speech today is "less is more". In my understanding, "less is more" is refers to the simple is happiness, in the modern age, people are now trying to define happiness, people often say that when I was young happiness is simple, grew up simple is happiness. People often because competition for jobs, the relationship between person and person becomes more and more complicated, I think that's forget simple nature. Sometimes, some things look simple, heart is empty, that is happiness. Thought too complex, too much will only make oneself want to have a headache. So is life, live a simple life, sometimes in your busy time to listen to music, watching a movie, and their friends crazy together... This is my understanding of the "less is more", thank you.
第1个回答  2013-03-25
It's my honor to be here to give a talk to you guys on the topic "less is more". In my opinion, "less is more" means " simplicity is happiness". Many people want to give an definition about what happiness is. We always said that getting happiness is very simple when we were young, but when we grown up, we think "simplicity is happiness". The relationship between people became more complicated because of the competition in careers. I think they just forget the nature of simplicity. It is happiness that when we look at things simply and judge it without any distractions. Thinking of too many complicated things only make people have headaches. Life is very simple, we must enjoy it. Listening to some music, watching a movie, hanging out with some friends in your spare time are the ways to have a simple life. This is my understanding of "less is more". Thanks you.

第2个回答  2013-03-25
It is a honer for me to give a speech here.Today my topic is "less is more".In my opinion,"less is more"means simpleness is happiness.Nowadays people are trying their best to define the happiness,people usually say that when you are little,happiness is easy,when you grow up,simpleness is happiness.For the competion in the work,the relationship between different people is becoming more complicated,I think they forget the nature of simpleness.Sometimes,make something simple and don't have littery thought,this is happiness.If you think too complicated,you will make you head hurt.Life is like this,have a simple life,listen to some music,watch a move,play crazily with friends when you are busy...this is my understooding to "less is more",thanks.本回答被提问者采纳