中译英(别给我直接用翻译软件) 今天十点前,过了时间就别回答了

寒假(last winter holiday) 我和家人一起去青岛玩了。青岛坐落于海滨,它以极好的海滩闻名。一年中的大部分时间这里的阳光明媚。我们在青岛停留了7天时间,我们高兴地参观了海上世界,观看了精彩的动物表演。我们去海滩散步并在海里游泳。我们还在这里品尝了美味的海鲜食品。青岛真的是一座美丽的城市,希望你也能前来访问。

Dear Lucy
Long time no see,are you OK?
I and my family went to Qingdao last winter holiday.Qingdao is located at the coast.It is famous for its excellent coast.Most time of a year at here is sunny,we stayed in Qingdao for 7 days.We visited the Sea World happily,watched a wonderful animals' show,we walked in the beach and swimmed in the sea.We also tasted delicious seafood here.Qingdao is really a beatiful city,I hope you can visit it one day.