

   My Pleasant Day
  We are growing up day by day, and sometimes we are happy, some times we are unhappy.
  In my memery, there is a day which I am happy all the time. Do you know what have happened on that day? I think the answer most likely to be 'yes'.
  I got up late that day, and my mother and fatherboth went to work already. I rushed to the bathroom, clean my face and hands, brushed my teeth, and then quickly weared my school uniform. Oh, my schoolbag was still not be packed. I have no enough time to do it, so I throw all the books, notebooks, stationaries into it. I rushed to the front door like a whirlwind. Just at that moment --- I had put on my shoes, the telephone bell rang. I have to answer the telephone,"Hi, are you happy today ? Today is Sunday, we have bought many snacks for you, but we can not carry them, Can you come to the supermarket at ××× road to help us to carry it ?"
  Oh, my God! Today was Sunday ! I was so stupid, I was very unhappy, but ... hehe, I had many snacks to eat! Go and to take it, and then eat and eat !
  That is my pleasant day. Do you believe ?
第1个回答  2013-04-03
So today was a very nice day! This morning I was able to go down to my old Jr. High and visit some of my teachers that I miss dearly. I only actually saw about 3 though, and so I am going to go back down tomorrow so that I can see some more. One of the teachers that I did see told me that if I were to get there early, then I would see more teachers. So tomorrow (Tuesday) I get to get up at 6:30, so that I can be ready to go when my dad goes to work. Now to some of you that doesn't seem too early-but I haven't had to get up that early in about 1-2 months and so that is REALLY early! But it is worth being able to visit with them. After today's visit, I went to Collister Elementary where my 6th grade teacher is now teaching, and her and I went out to lunch. It was funny as I was walking down the hall because I was at one end and she was at the other and she had to do a double take before realizing who I was. Once we got to each other she told me that she thought that I was a parent walking down the hall. I found this amusing because I have seen her every couple of months for the last 2 years, and before that I was in her class. I didn't think that I looked that grown -up but maybe. Then we went out to lunch and were able to talk and just find out what the other has been up to, since I haven't seen her since the beginning of June
第2个回答  2013-04-02

Some days are unforgettable in our life. I had a pleasant day last week.It was very exciting and fun.
In the morning, I got up late. Then I began to do my homework. It took me about two hours to finish it. After finishing the homework, I watched TV and had fun playing computer games.
While my mother was cooking meal, I cleaned the room and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, we went shoppinghappily.Before I went to bed, I listened to my favorite songs .It made me relaxed.
  What a happy day!本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-02
In your life,everybody can not make easy to success .something make you happy,and something make you sad,
第4个回答  2013-04-03