
that is a cool team I like them too sadly I was not born in 1988 I was born in 1997 my parents told me my zodiac sign was a ox I think that is right but I'm not sure. what zodiac sign are you? I cannot simply wait for this day to come, in 8 days finally get to meet you I'm very excited. I also heard that one of your friends is also hosting my friend Christina Rankin I am sorry if that was confusing I do not know if you have any friends that are hosting anyone in the High School Jazz Band. but if you do they must be hosting my friend Christina Rankin. anyways I know it is 2:46 a.m. where you are now so I will let you get back to sleep if you see this. Thank you or xie xie I am sorry if that is spelled wrong. I am just learning. also if you could, could you please tell me how to write and spell my name, you do not have to, I would just like to know. if it is too much of a pain I do not want to be a bother

第1个回答  2013-04-01
Dear xxx,

How are you doing these days? I am really sorry if I offended you because of my stupid questions in my previous letter. As I am not familiar with your culture, I hope that you would forgive me this time, and I promise that I will never make such kind of mistakes again. And I would really appreciate it if you could tell me more about your culture and custom.
Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

第2个回答  2013-04-03
how are you. i am recovered now, thanks for your consideration.my favorite color is blue and my favorite sport is basketball.as i mentioned earlier, my bed, which was bought since i was a child, is not very big. i can still use it because i am not very tall. please let me know if you are very tall so that i can prepare a bigger bed . have a nice day

- -,如补充问题所示,帮个忙再翻译一下- -

第3个回答  2013-04-05
Dear XXX
Hello!I am very sorry to ask my last letter of topic a bit forward, because I do not quite understand the culture and customs of your side, please forgive me ...The amount, please talk about your culture and habits, so that no misunderstanding between us!Thank you!Your friend, sincerely XXX
第4个回答  2013-04-04
Dear xxx,

Hi.I am sorry for the topic in the previous letter is a bit presumptuous, as I am not so familiar about the customs and culture in your country.Please forgive me.Er...please inform me the customs and culture in your country so that there will be no misunderstanding between us.Thanks.

Yours faithful
( 签名 )
Dear xxx,

Hello.I am okay now, thanks for your concern.My favorite color is blue,and my favorite sport is basketball too.As what I've mentioned earlier,my furniture was bought when I was small.I am not quite tall now, so I can sleep in it. I don't know how tall you are.If you are taller than me,tell me now so that I can do some preparation.Wish you a happy day.

Yours faithful
( 签名 )
第5个回答  2013-04-08