
When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July, that’s what she
figured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist. But at the hospital on
Nantucket, where her family spends summers, Ms. Cohen, 19, was perplexed.
“I thought I was going to see aregular doctor,” she said, but instead she saw “this giant screen.”
Suddenly,two doctors appeared on the video screen: dermatologists in Boston. A nurse in
the room with Ms. Cohen held a magnifying camera to her face, and suggested she
closed her eyes.
Why? she wondered — then understood. The camera transmitted images of her face on screen, so the doctors could eyeball every bump and crater. “Oh my God, I
thought I was going to cry,” Ms. Cohen recalled. “Even if you’ve never seen
that pimple before, it’s there.”
That, she realized, was the point. Technology, like these cameras and screens, is
making it affordable and effective for doctors to examine patients without
actually being there.
More hospitals and medical practices are adopting these techniques, finding they
save money and for some patients work as well as flesh-and-blood visits.
“There has been a shift in the belief that telemedicine can only be used for rural
areas to a belief that it can be used anywhere,” said Dr. Peter Yellowlees,
director of the health informatics program at the University of California,
Davis, and a board member of the American Telemedicine Association. “Before,
you had to make do with poor quality, or buy a very expensive system. Now, you
can buy a $100 webcam and do high-quality videoconferencing.”
The technology is especially being embraced in professions like ophthalmology,
psychiatry and dermatology, which face shortages of physicians. At Kaiser
Permanente, dermatologists “sit in a suite in San Francisco” and tele-treat
patients throughout Northern California, Dr. Yellowlees said. “It’s much more
efficient than having 20 hospitals, each with a dermatologist.” On Nantucket, an island 30 miles from the nearest spit of mainland, “telemedicine just makes a lot of sense,” said Dr. Margot Hartmann, chief executive officer of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “It allows us to meet the mission of the hospital better
because we’re offering more locally,” and saves patients the cost and time of
flying or ferrying off-island, then driving to Cape Cod or Boston hospitals.

地名像Nantucket 这样的就不用翻译了~
最好不要literal translation~~~
我说过了不要literal translation~~~ 像楼下几个literal translation的就别发上来了。
[email protected] 发这个U箱即可注明你是谁 我挑出好的给分谢谢。

When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July。

Sarah Cohen的痤疮使她不得不在七月去见一见皮肤科医生了。

像这样 但是希望更好一点不要像我这样字面翻译的。


When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July, that’s what she figured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist.时至7月,由于痔疮的缘故,莎拉 科恩不得不去拜访皮肤科医生。她设想着她将会做些什么——她会去看皮肤科的医生。 But at the hospital on Nantucket, where her family spends summers, Ms. Cohen, 19, was perplexed. “I thought I was going to see aregular doctor,” she said, but instead she saw “this giant screen.”但是当她到达她的家人经常度假的楠塔基特岛里的医院时,年仅19岁的她茫然地不知所措。“我本以为我会看到医生,”她说,“相反,我只看到呈现在我面前的巨大屏幕上。”Suddenly,two doctors appeared on the video screen: dermatologists in Boston.突然,两位来自波斯顿皮肤科医生的脸出现在屏幕上。A nurse in the room with Ms. Cohen held a magnifying camera to her face, and suggested she closed her eyes. 守在科恩旁侧的看护让她闭上眼睛放松,同时用投影仪投放她的影像。Why? she wondered — then understood. 为什么?她思忖着——不一会儿恍然大悟。The camera transmitted images of her face on screen, so the doctors could eyeball every bump and crater. 摄影机将她的影像投放到屏幕上,让医生更清晰的看到她的每个肿块和凹坑。 “Oh my God, I thought I was going to cry,” Ms. Cohen recalled. “Even if you’ve never seen that pimple before, it’s there.” “天啊,真吓人,我觉得我当时都快哭了,”科恩回忆说,“即使你之前未曾发现那个疙瘩,但是它就在那里。” That, she realized, was the point. Technology, like these cameras and screens, is making it affordable and effective for doctors to examine patients without actually being there. 关键是,她意识到科学技术,正如投影仪和屏幕那样的先进技术,能让医生不需要临床问诊,就能更便利的,更有效的治疗疾病。More hospitals and medical practices are adopting these techniques, finding they save money and for some patients work as well as flesh-and-blood visits. 如今,越来越多的医院和医学实验采用这样的技术,它们不仅节约资金,而且还可以治疗除小伤小病之外的疾病。“There has been a shift in the belief that telemedicine can only be used for rural areas to a belief that it can be used anywhere,” said Dr. Peter Yellowlees, director of the health informatics program at the University of California, Association.“人们现在改变了对远程疗法只在农村的认识,如今,觉得它无处不在,”加利福利亚大学健康信息学项目的主要负责人,博士后Peter Yellowlees说。Davis, and a board member of the American Telemedicine“Before,you had to make do with poor quality, or buy a very expensive system. Now, you can buy a $100 webcam and do high-quality videoconferencing.”作为美国远程疗法董事会的成员之一,戴维斯曾说,“在你条件困难的情况下,或是要买一个昂贵的系统时,你可以选择远程疗法。如今,你只需花$100买一个网络摄像头,它可以高质量的提供网络视频及通话。The technology is especially being embraced in professions like ophthalmology, psychiatry and dermatology, which face shortages of physicians. 该技术还特别涵括那些内科医师学识匮乏的领域,如眼科学,精神病学和皮肤病学。At Kaiser Permanente, dermatologists “sit in a suite in San Francisco” and tele-treat patients throughout Northern California, Dr. Yellowlees said. “It’s much more efficient than having 20 hospitals, each with a dermatologist.” 在凯萨医疗机构中,皮肤病学的专家们“穿着制服,工作于旧金山”,这时远程疗法已经贯穿整个北加利福利亚州,博士后Yellowlees曾说“一般20家医院中每家都需要个皮肤病学专家,相比之下,远程疗法更便捷。”On Nantucket, an island 30 miles from the nearest spit of mainland, “telemedicine just makes a lot of sense,” said Dr. Margot Hartmann, chief executive officer of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “It allows us to meet the mission of the hospital better because we’re offering more locally,” and saves patients the cost and time of flying or ferrying off-island, then driving to Cape Cod or Boston hospitals. 在楠塔基特岛上,距离该岛最近的陆地都有30英里,“引进远程疗法会方便许多,”博士后Margot Hartmann,作为楠塔基特岛上乡村医院的政府行政酋长曾说。“它让我们更好的完成我们作为医生该有的使命,能让我们应地制宜的利用一切有利因素,”同时能节省病人的开支和花费大量时间在坐航班或轮渡,再转车到科德角或波斯顿医院的路上。
第1个回答  2013-03-15
当Sarah Cohen的粉刺驱使着她7月份去看皮肤科大夫的时候,她心里想的就是要去做这件事– 看皮肤科大夫。医院在一个叫Nantucket的岛上,这是她家人夏天常来的地方,然而到了医院之后19岁的Cohen女士开始有些迷糊了。“我以为我要见一位常规的医生,”她说,不过实际上她看到的却是“一块巨大的屏幕。”突然两名医生出现在电视屏幕上:他们是位于波士顿的皮肤科医生。和她同时呆在房子里的一名护士举着一只放大摄像头对着她的脸,并示意让她闭上眼睛。为什么?她思忖着– 接着很快就明白了。这只摄像头能把她脸部的图像传递到屏幕上,这样医生们就能把脸上的沟沟坎坎给检查个遍。“噢,我的上帝,我想我当时差点就哭了,”她回来回忆说,“那些你以前从没见过小疙瘩现在就在你眼前。”她意识到这就是关键所在。技术,就像这些照相机和屏幕,正在让医生能够以更加廉价和有效地方式对病人做检查,却并不需要他们在场。

越来越多的医院和医疗工作正在使用这手段,同时发现它不但能省钱,而且对一些病人来说效果还和他们亲临医院检查没什么两样。“以前我们认为远程医疗只能用于边远地区,现在已经改变了看法,认为它已经可以在任何地方使用了,”Peter Yellowlees医生说。Peter Yellowlees是加州大学戴维斯分校的医疗信息学课程主任,也是美国远程医疗协会董事会成员。“以前你只能凑合着用低质量的产品,要么就得购买昂贵的系统。现在你花100美元买只网络摄像头就能进行高质量的视频会议了。”这项技术尤其受到眼科、精神科和皮肤科等面临医师短缺的科室的欢迎。在Kaiser Permanente,皮肤科医生“坐在旧金山的一间房子里”为整个北加利福尼亚的病人开展诊疗,Yellowlees医生说。“这比起建20间医院,每个医院放一个皮肤科医生效率要高得多。”对于Nantucket这个距离大陆的最近点还有30英里的小岛而言,“远程医疗有很大的优势,”Nantucket Cottage医院首席执行官Margot Hartmann说,“这让我们能更好地完成医院的使命,因为我们能提供更多本地化服务,”同时还能省去病人不少金钱和时间,因为他们不再需要乘飞机或渡船离开小岛,再驱车前往Cape Code或波士顿的医院去看病了。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-16

7月份时,当Sarah Cohen粉刺发作不得不去看皮肤科时,她还以为自己很清楚将要去做的事——“看”大夫。但是在Nantucket(她全家避暑的地方)的医院里,19岁的Cohen小姐完全搞不清状况。“之前我以为我会看到个正常的大夫,”她说道,但是出乎意料,她看到的是一个巨大的屏幕。突然屏幕上出现了两位大夫的图像:他们是波士顿的皮肤科大夫。诊室里陪在Cohen小姐身边的护士拿着一个放大摄像头照着她的脸,并且要她闭上眼睛。为什么要这么做?Cohen女士犯着嘀咕,不过很快就明白了。摄像头将她的脸的详细图像显示在屏幕上,这样大夫就能够看清每一个凹凸。“我的天,我还以为我会叫出来,”Cohen女士回忆道,“即使你从未见过粉刺,你也能一眼看出来(图像中的就是粉刺)。”于是,她终于明白了一切。
如同这些摄像头和屏幕一样,科技产品使大夫无需亲临诊室就能为患者诊断,并且这种方式越来越便宜并且高效。越来越多的医院和医疗实践开始采纳这些新科技产品,并且发现这样不但节约财力,而且对某些患者而言与面对面问诊没什么区别。Peter Yellowlees医生是加州大学戴维斯分校健康信息项目的负责人,也是美国远程医疗协会理事会成员。他说:“过去我们认为远程医疗仅限于乡村地区,现在这种观念已经在改变,我们觉得远程医疗已经可以应用于任何地方了。过去,你要么(购买便宜的系统而)忍受低劣的(图像)质量,要么不得不购买极其昂贵的系统。而现在,你只需要花100美元买个网络摄像头,就可以实现高质量的视频会议,并以此进行可视会诊了。”
在一些特定科室中,这类科技产品尤其受到欢迎,例如眼科、精神科、皮肤科,因为这些科室的大夫数量短缺。在Kaiser Permanente,皮肤科大夫“坐在旧金山的沙发中”就能够对北卡罗来纳州的患者进行远程问诊——Yellowlees医生如是说。
对于Nantucket,这座离(北美)大陆最近也要30英里的岛屿而言,“远程医疗实在是非常重要的,”Nantucket乡村医院的院长Margot Hartmann医生这么说。
“这让我们更好地完成了医院使命,因为我们提供更加贴切的服务,”并且这样也为患者节省了时间与金钱,因为患者无需乘飞机或渡船、然后辗转驱车前往Cape Cod或者波士顿的医院就诊。
第3个回答  2013-03-14
When Sarah Cohen’s acne drove her to visit a dermatologist in July, that’s what she
figured she’d be doing — visiting a dermatologist.
But at the hospital on
Nantucket, where her family spends summers, Ms. Cohen, 19, was perplexed.


On Nantucket, an island 30 miles from the nearest spit of mainland,
saves patients the cost and time of
flying or ferrying off-island, then driving to Cape Cod or Boston hospitals.


第4个回答  2013-03-24


























