

You no longer suffering
Bad mood is to write more things, I was emotionally very easily injured, especially the people I love or love my people, always afraid of being hurt others, it is the end of their injuries. Perhaps others have disagreed, but the fact is that this way, I hurt him but my heart it not sad, I think I loved addition to the talent will allow me sad. I do not know how you are feeling, but I can say that I am in the hearts of the more than you uncomfortable, you may not be able to now I understand my feelings, all kinds of flavors are woven together, do not want to love Ganqu that Quepa injured And finally choose their own injuries or bar, their pain but other people do not know other people's pain is understandable. When you are not a very deep depression to you as long pain pain it short, but there is a saying I always want to tell you: "I have loved you."
Sometimes there are things you can not around, and sometimes people alive more time to others rather than themselves, why there is such a life of frustration and more » Why should the others live? » Because the love, because love and dedication priceless, we must learn to feel life, like Thanksgiving, you have asked me believe it or not fate, I said I believed less, you say you are very fate of the letter, you will find that after the southerners So his wife, perhaps that southerners is not me, I just your life in a hastily passing through it. I now believe that fate, some things God Mingmingzhizhong already set a few, just to see how you grasp their own destiny, how good my life at every stage of the drama it, and we are all the main characters on stage, how to play the All my grasp how you look at the original of your own destiny is to dominate