

Water conservation
Water conservation, saying that through administrative, technical, economic and other management tools to strengthen management of water, adjust the structure of water, improving water, a planned water to prevent water wastage, use advanced science and technology to establish a scientific water system, the effective use of water resources, protection Water resources, to sustainable economic and social development needs.
Water-saving propagandists
Water conservation is everyone's responsibility. Only we all pay attention to water conservation, Shuihuang to stay away from our left, life will be stable and harmonious environment will be beautiful comfort. We understand that these young people after the truth, not only to themselves personally, but also do a good job in publicity work, tell friends and family, let people to water saving. This is our contribution to society means ah.
The waste water everywhere:
The waste water is astonishing: a customs do not bear the faucet, a month can Liudiao 1-6 cubic meters of water and a leaking toilet, one month to Liudiao 3-25 cubic meters of water; a city if there are 600,000 Guan did not bear the faucet, toilet leaking 200,000 a year on the loss of 100 million cubic meters of water. Therefore, in daily life have some small sense of saving water is very necessary.
First, brush their teeth
Waste: uninterrupted water.
Water-saving: Koubei to water.
Second, laundry
Waste: washing machines uninterrupted waterside Chonglin side note, the laundry drainage way.
Water-saving: on washing clothes, laundry to reduce the number of small pieces, a small amount of clothing to promote rear; detergent running appropriate.
3, Bath
Waste: too long uninterrupted water Chonglin; bath when too much water and overflow, or water side of open water Cypriot side.
Water-saving: intermittent water shower, when Cuoxi timely clearance of water, avoid too long Chonglin. After the bath water can be used for laundry, washing and flushing toilets, trailers and so.
4, cooking
Waste: open the taps, washing a long time; boil water for too long, massive evaporation of water vapor; Chonglin watermelon with tap water, fruit.
Water-saving: first paper erase cooking utensils, oil pollution, and then washing; taps flow control, intermittent to continuous irrigation for irrigation.
5, car washing
Waste: long rinse with water.
Water-saving: a bucket with water washing the use of washing water, water washing laundry using water-saving irrigation water cannon spray the use of automatic washing machine. After washing water recycling.
Water conservation tips
1, children's toys are intimate partners. But some toys (such as water guns) to be consuming water, there would not be recommended, particularly in the areas of scarce water resources, inappropriate use. Some naughty youths, the leader in the water below water fight each other Shuizhang, spray scattered, very happy, unknowingly, and clean the wet ground, in the past, the pedestrian was scared Duoduoshanshan, a large number of Water is wasted. More bad!
2, water-saving washing dishes at home washing dishes, utensils to the best first paper on the oil-wipe, and then heat washed again, the last to use more clean warm water or cold water.
The good experiences of water-saving
Water-saving society
In the water remain unchanged, industrial and agricultural production to ensure that water, residents living water and good water environment, we must establish a water-saving society. Including the rational development and utilization of water resources, industrial and agricultural water use and water all aspects of city life, greatly improve the utilization of water, to make the water crisis awareness enjoys popular support, to develop all love water, always, always water-saving situation.
Water is not water
Do not understand the "water saving" the true meaning of the word, always mistakenly believed that water-saving water is to restrict the people, not even water. In fact, water-saving people is a reasonable use of water efficient water use, not waste. Experts pointed out that there exists a waste of the current situation, the use of today's technology and methods, agriculture can be reduced by 10 percent to 50 percent of water demand, industry can reduce 40% -90% of water demand, the city reduced by 30% to be Water, are in no way affect the economy and quality of life level.

World Water Day
Water crisis is a global fact. Countless people of insight are worried about this. As early as the 1977 United Nations Conference on the convening of water, issued a stern warning to the world: water will soon become a profound social crisis, following the oil crisis after the next crisis is water. Water as inexhaustible era is over, as a valuable water resources of the times has come. January 18, 1993, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to the annual March 22 as "World Water Day" to carry out extensive publicity and education, development and raise public awareness of the protection of water resources. World Water Day each have a specific theme, has spent 7 session of the World Water Day.

Water conservation slogans
1, water conservation is to implement the strategy of sustainable development of important measures.
2, and strive to create a water-saving cities, the implementation of sustainable development.
3, to popularize water-saving domestic water apparatus.
4, water conservation, protection of water resources, is the common responsibility of society as a whole.
5, both revenue and cutting expenditure, expenditure priorities, pollution control-oriented, open-source scientific and comprehensive utilization.
6, the state water plan, water savings.
7, Xi water, love the water, saving water, from my start.
8, adhere to give top priority to water conservation, and strive to build water-saving cities.
9, water conservation, the benefit of mankind, Lee in contemporary, work in ages.
10, according to the law of water, water science, water conscious.
11, strengthen the management of urban water conservation, conservation and protection of water resources in cities.
12, efforts to build a water-saving economy and a water-saving society.
13, the protection of water resources, promote the great western development; savings every dripping, co-founder of water-saving city.
14, every citizen to conserve water is the responsibility and duty.
15, water is the source of life, the blood industry, the lifeblood of cities.
16, the water is cherished treasure of your life.
17, to treasure every drop of water.
18, world water shortages, China is short of water, urban water shortages, water conservation.
19, a shameful waste of water, water conservation honor.
20, water is an irreplaceable valuable resources.
Cultivate good habits
According to analysis, as long as the attention of the family改掉bad habit of saving water will be about 70 percent. And the waste of water-related habits of many, for example: flush toilets Chongdiao cigarette butts and fragmented waste in order to access a cup of cold water, and waste Fangdiao many water to wash potatoes, carrots after peeled or washed again after picking vegetables; water at the Intermittent (open to guests, answered the phone and change the TV channel), not related faucet; water, forget the Commissioner faucet; wash hands, wash your face, brushing teeth, let the water flow is always; sleep, go out, Do not check faucet; equipment leaking, do not fix a timely manner.
Using water-saving devices
In addition to the attention of the family to develop water-saving water habits, adopt water-saving devices is very important, but also the most effective. Some people would rather give them free rein, also refused to replace the water-saving devices, in fact, pay so much water is uneconomical in the long run. A wide variety of water-saving devices, water-saving water tanks, water-saving lead, such as water-saving toilets. From the principle, there are mechanical (wrenches, the button) and automatic (electric, magnetic sensors and infra-red remote control) two categories.
Water bath
Washing shower head used: (1) Institute of regulating temperature. (2) not to water throughout the nozzle to open and should not be open. (3), as far as possible from head to toe Linshi the first, on the whole body soap Cuoxi Tu, the last time clean. Do not separate Shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and feet washing. (4) dedicated to taking a bath, time and should not slow life, or little side-washing. Let alone in the bathroom, and good friends play Shuizhang. Remember: Time is the water! (5) Do not use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" washing clothes, shoes. Zaopen in a bath, we should pay attention: Do not over water, adequate 1/3-1/4 pots used.

Water-saving toilets
(1) If you think too much toilet water tanks, water tanks, in Shufang filled with a brick or a large bottle of water, each time in order to reduce the salt water. It should be noted, bricks or bottles of water tanks without prejudice on the part of local sports. (2) Water leakage is always the most lax water rubber seal, more than irrigation, water for the future from the overflow hole outflow; outlet rubber seal, to strictly follow the water will not stop, non-stop into the water mains And water. (3) a collection of domestic waste-water Chongce Suo, a water use and conservation of water. (4) refuse regardless of size, weight, the channel should be cleared from the garbage, not to salt water from the toilet.

A water use
(1) wash your face with water after foot and then Chong Cesuo. (2) should prepare a home in the collection of waste water vat, it can fully guarantee Chong Cesuo need of water. (3) Taomi Shui, Zhu Guo pasta water used to wash Wankuai to oil and water. (4) Jiaohua water fish, flowers and trees to promote growth.

To prevent water pipes Donglie
Northern winter, water pipes easily Donglie, resulting in serious leakage, should pay special attention to prevention and screening. For example, (1) the rainy season floods washed out the cover of sand, to Butian before winter, the soil too shallow to prevent frost damage water pipes. (2) outside the faucet and water pipes to install antifreeze equipment (antifreeze Shuan, antifreeze wooden boxes, etc.). (3) a freeze of the house, should also be wrapped sacks films, winding Caosheng. (4) water pipe to the house peeked good paste, slit windows, the attention of the house insulation. (5) Once the water pipes freeze, do not use a plate or Shuitang (as will water pipes, faucets because of a sudden expansion of damage), hot towels should be used to help Huadong Guozhu faucet.

Household water records
As the saying goes, Qin T-free thinking. If the regular day (morning or evening a fixed time) in Bajia meter readings recorded, there will be many benefits. (1) daily, monthly, the consumption of water a year, can be easily calculated, it is no longer a reference to water the blind. (2) because the water has been recorded, there is no waste, can be seen, the water is also a pretty good idea where to start with a. (3) a day in mind, Jushouzhilao, is not very difficult, but a few months or years such as 1, is the perseverance, perseverance, patience, a carefully tested the medium of interference. (4) Remember this Liushui Zhang, one can see the changes in water consumption. Such changes and temperature, weather, factors such as the relationship between wet and dry » And changes in family living standards (to buy electric fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, the change in eating habits, etc.) to whether » Who says this is not scientific research? »

You will the flow of water? »
Traffic is the unit time (for example, 1 second) out of (the flow) of water. Determination of the flow of water in the home, reasoning and the flow of the Yangtze River, not just the same way. To prepare a rule of buckets, it calculated the volume (for example, 18.6 liters); Mabiao to prepare an ordinary trip also watches. Measurement, the first to open the tap to maximize the flow beginning to be balanced, the water barrels a barrel full of water, stop time, read out the last (for example, 23.4 seconds); measured by the value of the traffic volume is the last addition, That is, 18.6/23.4 = 0.795 liters / sec. For the sake of reliable, measured three times, from an average of three results. If the home Zhongzhuang the meter, meter reading can be aware of the water, flow measurement is even more convenient. The good experiences of water-saving
第1个回答  2012-03-23
2、洗餐具节水 在家里洗餐具,最好先用纸把餐具上的油污擦去,再用热水洗一遍,最后才用较多的温水或冷水冲洗干净。

第2个回答  2012-12-13
Save on water, by means of administration, technology, economic management means of strengthening the management of water, adjust the water structure, improved water, planned water, eliminate waste of water, the use of advanced science and technology to establish the scientific water system, the effective use of water resources, protection of water resources, adapt to the sustainable economic and social development needs. Water saving promoters to save water, is everyone's responsibility. If we pay attention to water saving, water shortages can be far away from us, life will be peace and harmony, the environment will be pleasant. We young people know these things, not only should they set an example by personally taking part, but also do good propaganda work, tell friends, let everyone to save water. This also is we do everything in one's power to make a contribution to society. The waste water is everywhere: water waste is astonishing: one closes incompact faucet, a month can flow 1 to 6 cubic meters of water; a water leakage of toilet, a month should flow 3 to 25 cubic meters of water; if a city has 600000 tap, 200000 horse barrel water leakage, a year can be loss of a billion cubic meters of water. Therefore, in the daily life to master some water-saving knowledge is necessary. A waste water, brushing: uninterrupted. Water saving : the cup and water. Two: washing machine, washing waste uninterruptedly side note water shower, water washing method. Water saving: reduce the number of laundry washing clothes on, small, small quantity of clothes; promoting hand washing; detergent feeding amount. In three, bath waste: long uninterrupted water shower bath water; when too much to overflow, or one side open water plug side water injection. Water saving: intermittent water shower, wash immediately shut off the water, avoid long time shower. After the bath water can be used for washing, car washing, flushing the toilet, mopping the floor. Four, tap: cooking waste big, long time irrigation; boiling water for too long, the steam evaporation; water drenching the watermelon, fruit. Water saving: paper erase cooking utensils, tableware in the oil, and then washing; control faucet flow, change the uninterrupted flushing intermittent irrigation. In five, car washing waste water flushing: long time. Water saving: use the bucket water washing; the use of washing water, washing water washing; the use of water-saving washing machines using the spray gun; automatic car wash. Car washing water treatment cycle. Water saving of water resources, in the industrial and agricultural water use and city life water aspects, to this heavy-hearted. In early 1977 the UN called boiling water to the world conference, issued warning: water would soon become a deep social crisis, after the crisis of petroleum for the next crisis is water. The water be inexhaustible inexhaustible, as time has passed, the water as a valuable resource for the time has come. In January 18, 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, March 22nd of each year as " World Water Day ", to carry out extensive publicity and education, to raise public awareness of development and protection of water resources. Each world water day, have a specific theme, has been through 7 world water day. Save water, save water slogan
1 is to implement the strategy of sustainable development an important measure.
2, efforts to create a water-saving city, sustainable development.
3, vigorously popularize water saving equipment.
4, save water, protect water resources, is the common responsibility of society.
5, open source and reduce expenditure, giving priority to conservation, pollution control for the open source, science, comprehensive utilization. In
6, the country implements planned water, practise economy water.
7 love, cherish water, water, water saving, begin from me.
8, adhere to save water in the first place, and strive to build a water-saving type city.
9, water conservation, the benefit of mankind, benefit now, result in a thousand years.
10, control water, irrigation, water saving consciousness.
11, strengthen the management of city water conservation, conservation and protection of water resources in city.
12, efforts to establish water-saving economy and saving society.
13, the protection of water resources, promote western big development; to save every drop of water, work together to create a water-saving city.
14, saving water is the responsibility of every citizen and obligation. In
15, the water is the source of life, the blood of industry, the lifeblood of a city.
16, water is the treasure treasure your life.
17, please cherish every drop of water. In
18, the world, China is short of water city water shortage, water shortage, please save water. In
第3个回答  2012-02-26
1. Turn off the water tap when you leave.
2. Washing clothes manually instead of washing machine.
(换小学生的话:Washing clothes by hand instead of by machine.)
3. Collect the rainning water when raining.
4. Do not play water for fun.
5. Choose the equipment labeled 'water saving'.
6. Reduce the times having bath.
第4个回答  2019-09-19
Turn off the water tap when you leave.