英语中/ t/的发音有几种方式?


    elsewhere condition: 一般指 allophone 即音素变体或音位变体中确定语素morpheme的条件或方法。

    English speakers may be unaware of the differences among six allophones of the phoneme /t/, namely unreleased [ t̚] as in cat, aspirated [tʰ] as in top, glottalized [ʔ] as in button, flapped [ɾ] as in American English water, nasalized flapped as in winter, and none of the above [t] as in stop. However, they may become aware of the differences if, for example, they contrast the pronunciations of the following words:

    Night rate: unreleased [ˈnʌɪt̚.ɹʷeɪt̚] (without word space between . and ɹ)Nitrate: aspirated [ˈnaɪ.tʰɹ̥eɪt̚] or retracted [ˈnaɪ.tʃɹʷeɪt̚]


    通过lsewhere condition确定音素变体中morpheme主要依靠语境context,在单字Night rate和Nitrate中的甄别位置条件是第一个/t/发弱音而第二个一定发气音,

    Night rate-[nait reit];Nitrate-[ˈnaɪtreɪt]
