
Once i saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to ( )we live . A.the place which B.in the place where C.which D.where 帮我分析一下这个是什么从句,为什么选D
我苦思怎样把这个可怕的消息告诉他,翻译:I racked my brains about how( ) i break the news to him. 括号里面填什么?
"这个钢笔一直是他的“ 这句话用has been doing的现在完成进行时怎么翻译?
(What am i to say) to those who put my name up for the prize and to those who have made the decision-----father ,it's not only honor and money ,they are bestowing on me. 括号里面的为什么用倒装??这个句子不是宾语从句吗?为什么宾语从句不直接陈述语气呢?

Once i saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to ( )we live .
这是where引导的宾语从句 作介词to 的宾语
所以 答案是D
选项 A.the place which 这是定语从句 从句 中谓语是不及物动词 应加in
选项 B.in the place where这是介词短语 介词短语 不能 作 close to的宾语
选项 C.which 是连接代词 引导宾语从句 但 从句中 不需要 代词 不能作 live 的宾语

我苦思怎样把这个可怕的消息告诉他,翻译应该是: I racked my brains about how to break the terrible news to him.
"这个钢笔一直是他的“ 这句话用has been doing的现在完成进行时这么翻译
this pen has been belonging to him.
(What am i to say) to those who put my name up for the prize and to those who have made the decision-----father ,it's not only honor and money ,they are best owing on me. 括号里面的用倒装 因为是特殊疑问句 这个句子中的 who 从句 是定语从句

这支钢笔一直是他的,能否翻译为:This pen has been being to him , ??
另外,那个 我苦思怎样把这个可怕的消息告诉他,能不能翻译为:I racked my brains about how could i break the terrible news to him . ??谢谢


这支钢笔一直是他的,能翻译为:This pen has been being his.名词性物主代词作表语
我苦思怎样把这个可怕的消息告诉他,能翻译为:I racked my brains about how i could break the terrible news to him . 宾语从句 用陈述句语序

第1个回答  2013-11-24
第一句we live是完整句,所以用关系副词,或用介宾结构代替