
2.交货日期日益临近,请你方尽快申请开立信用证(apply for)
4.由于信用证延期所引起的额外费用由你方负担(be responsible for)
5.装运期渐进,如果能尽快开立以我方为受益人的信用证将不胜感激。(in one's favor)
6。请尽最大的努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。(open,by return)
7.我们已从厂家购得此货。(for one's account)
8.他们催促在5天内开立即期信用证(press for)

1.They have been urging us to open the letter of credit about 2000 dozens of pencils recently.
2.Delivery date closes on day by day, please apply to open the letter of credit as soon as possible.
3.Please notice the relevant letters of credit already opening through Bank of London, we wait for you to deliver goods in time.
4.Because the extra charge that the letter of credit is postponed causing is for your account
5.Advance gradually in time of shipment, it will be deeply grateful that can open the letter of credit in our favor as soon as possible.
6.Please do one's best to drive the letter of credit to at the end of this month rapidly, in order to ship in time.
7.We have already bought this goods from the producer
8.They urge and open a letter of credit immediately within 5 days