
Such like as 用法区别。 nice well good 用法区别。 in on at 用法区别!谢谢!!!!!!一定要非常详细!!

such as用来列举整体之中的部分同类人或事物作例
Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian, and Spanish.
Home necessities such as chairs, curtains, cooking pots, drinking cups, birdcages, and so on can be make of bamboo.

like也常用来举例,可与such as互换
He has got a few reference books, like Notes, Dictionaries.

当先行词被the same, such等词修饰时,常用as来引导定语从句
He is very careful, as we all know.
Such a clever girl as she can learn anything quickly.

nice 指从外表上的“好看、漂亮”。取悦于人的感觉。也可指“(对人)友好和蔼”如:
① It’s a nice watch, but it’s not a good/fine one. 这块表看上去不错,但却不是一块好表。
② It’s very nice of you. 你真太好了。
③ They are nice moon cakes. 这都是美味的月饼。

good 是含义最广的形容词,表“好的质量”,“好的品质”。等意思。如:
① Lucy is a good girl.
② These eggs are good ( 指鲜人品质)。
well 是副词。表干/做得“好”,修饰动词。也可作表语,指身体好。如:
① Well done! 干得好!
② I’m well. 我好了。一. in,on在方位名词前的区别
1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如:
Taiwan is in the southeast of China.
2. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如:
North Korea is on the east of China.
二. at, in, on在表示时间上的区别
1. at指时间表示:
They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).
He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night).
2. in指时间表示:
in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc
He will arrive in two hours.
These products will be produced in a month.
He will arrive after two o’clock.
3. on指时间表示:
On Christmas Day(On May 4th), there will be a celebration.
He arrived at 10 o’clock on the night of the 5th.
If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark.
三. at, in和on表示地点时的区别
1. at表示地点:
I shall wait for you at the station.
He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road.
2. in表示地点:
He lives in Shanghai.
I met him at the post-office.
I’m now working in the post-office.
3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在……上;在……旁”。如:
The picture was hanging on the wall.
New York is on the Hudson River.
第1个回答  2013-01-15
■表示方位的介词:in, to, on
1. in 表示在某地范围之内。如:
Shanghai is/lies in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。
2. to 表示在某地范围之外。如:
Japan is/lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。
3. on 表示与某地相邻或接壤。如:
Mongolia is/lies on the north of China. 蒙古国位于中国北边。

■表示好像或当作的介词:like, as
1. like表示“像……一样”,其实不是。如:
Peter the Great, like his country, was strong and proud. 彼得大帝像他的国家一样强健和自豪。

2. as表示“作为,以……身份”,其实也是。如:
He talked to me as a father. 他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。
如:The work is not so difficult as you imagine这工作不像你想像的那么困难。

■表示时间的介词:in, on, at
1. in 表示在某年、某月。如:
in 2000 在2000年
in September 在九月份
in September, 2012 在2012年九月份

2. on 表示在某一天。如:
on Friday 在星期五
on October, 1st.在10月1日
on October 1st, 2013 在2013年10月1日

3. at 表示在某个时刻、时间点。如:
at 3:00 am 在凌晨三点

■ well, good 区分

well 多重词性(形容词、副词、名词)
作形容词时候,表示“身体”好。 如: I am pretty well. 我身体很好。
作副词,可修饰动词。如: She speaks English well. 她英语说得好。

good 形容词 , 除”身体好(well)“之外,其他需要用”好的“来表示的形容词均用good.
如: He is a good guy. 他是一个好人。
第2个回答  2013-01-15