

1. I see. 我明白了。
2. I quit! 我不干了!
3. Let go! 放手!
4. Me too. 我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!
6. No way! 不行!
7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)
8. Hold on. 等一等。
9. I agree。 我同意。
10. Not bad. 还不错。
11. Not yet. 还没。
12. See you. 再见。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!
14. So long. 再见。
15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)
16. Allow me. 让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!
18. Cheer up! 振作起来!
19. Good job! 做得好!
20. Have fun! 玩得开心!
21. How much? 多少钱?
22. I'm full. 我饱了。
23. I'm home. 我回来了。
24. I'm lost. 我迷路了。
25. My treat. 我请客。
26. So do I. 我也一样。
27. This way。 这边请。
28. After you. 您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!
30. Follow me. 跟我来。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)
32. Good luck! 祝好运!
33. I decline! 我拒绝!
34. I promise. 我保证。
35. Of course! 当然了!
36. Slow down! 慢点!
37. Take care! 保重!
38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. Try again. 再试试。
40. Watch out! 当心。
41. What's up? 有什么事吗?
42. Be careful! 注意!
43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!
44. Don't move! 不许动!
45. Guess what? 猜猜看?
46. I doubt it 我怀疑。
47. I think so. 我也这么想。
48. I'm single. 我是单身贵族。
49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!
50. Let me see.让我想想。
51. Never mind.不要紧。
52. No problem! 没问题!
53. That's all! 就这样!
54. Time is up. 时间快到了。
55. What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?
56. Count me on 算上我。
57. Don't worry. 别担心。
58. Feel better? 好点了吗?
59. I love you! 我爱你!
60. I'm his fan。 我是他的影迷。
61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗?
62. That's neat. 这很好。
63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗?
64. Do l have to 非做不可吗?
65. He is my age. 他和我同岁。
66. Here you are. 给你。
67. No one knows . 没有人知道。
68. Take it easy. 别紧张。
69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!
70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?
71. To be careful! 一定要小心!
72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?
73. Help yourself. 别客气。
74. I'm on a diet. 我在节食。
75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。
76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
77. Who's calling? 是哪一位?
78. You did right. 你做得对。
79. You set me up! 你出卖我!
80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?
81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!
82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。
83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!
84. How's it going? 怎么样?
85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。
86. I just made it! 我做到了!
87. I'll see to it 我会留意的。
88. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!
89. It's her field. 这是她的本行。
90. It's up to you. 由你决定。
91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!
92. What about you? 你呢?
93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。
94. You're welcome. 不客气。
95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕
96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!
97. Congratulations! 祝贺你!
98. T can't help it. 我情不自禁。
99. I don't mean it. 我不是故意的。
100. I'll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的 101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。
102. It's a fine day。 今天是个好天。
103. So far,So good. 目前还不错。
104. What time is it? 几点了?
105. You can make it! 你能做到!
106. Control yourself! 克制一下!
107. He came by train. 他乘火车来。
108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。
109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。
110. How's everything? 一切还好吧?
111. I have no choice. 我别无选择。
112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。
113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。
114. I'll try my best. 我尽力而为。
115. I'm On your side. 我全力支持你。
116. Long time no see! 好久不见!
117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。
118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。
119. We're all for it. 我们全都同意。
120. What a good deal! 真便宜!
121. What should I do? 我该怎么办?
122. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!
123. You have my word. 我保证。
124. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!
125. Don't count on me.别指望我。
126. Don't fall for it! 别上当!
127. Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
128. Easy come easy go. 来得容易,去得快。
129. I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。
130. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。
131. I'll be back soon. 我马上回来。
132. I'll check it out. 我去查查看。
133. It’s a long story. 说来话长。
134. It’s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。
135. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!
136. Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。
137. That's all I need. 我就要这些。
138. The view is great. 景色多么漂亮!
139. The wall has ears. 隔墙有耳。
140. There comes a bus. 汽车来了。
141. What day is today? 今天星期几?
142. What do you think? 你怎么认为?
143. Who told you that? 谁告诉你的?
144. Who's kicking off? 现在是谁在开球?
145. Yes,I suppose So. 是的,我也这么认为。
146. You can't miss it 你一定能找到的。
147. Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?
148. Don't be so modest. 别谦虚了。
149. Don't give me that! 少来这套!
150. He is a smart boy. 他是个小机灵鬼。
151. He is just a child. 他只是个孩子。
152. I can't follow you. 我不懂你说的。
153. I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适。
154. I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意。
155. It is growing cool. 天气渐渐凉爽起来。
156. It seems all right. 看来这没问题。
157. It's going too far. 太离谱了。
158. May I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?
159. She had a bad cold. 她患了重感冒。
160. That's a good idea. 这个主意真不错。
161. The answer is zero. 白忙了。
162. What does she like? 她喜欢什么?
163. As soon as possible! 越快越好!
164. He can hardly speak. 他几乎说不出话来。
165. He always talks big. 他总是吹牛。
166. He won an election. 他在选举中获胜。
167. I am a football fan. 我是个足球迷。
168. If only I could fly. 要是我能飞就好了。
169. I'll be right there. 我马上就到。
170. I'll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。
171. IS it true or false? 这是对的还是错的?
172. Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了。
173. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。
174. Move out of my way! 让开!
175. Time is running out. 没时间了。
176. We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。
177. What's your trouble? 你哪儿不舒服?
178. You did fairly well! 你干得相当不错1
179. Clothes make the man. 人要衣装。
180. Did you miss the bus? 你错过公共汽车了?
181. Don't lose your head。 不要惊慌失措。
182. He can't take a joke. 他开不得玩笑。
183. He owes my uncle $100.他欠我叔叔100美元。
184. How are things going? 事情进展得怎样?
185. How are you recently? 最近怎么样?
186. I know all about it. 我知道有关它的一切。
187. It really takes time. 这样太耽误时间了。
188. It's against the law. 这是违法的。
189. Love me,love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌。
190. My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了。
第1个回答  2013-09-12
学英语 2011-01-18 11:29:00 阅读149 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 社交口语100句
◇ 问候语 (Greeting)
  1 Hello! Nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你
  2 Hello! Glad to see you. 你好,很高兴见到你
  3 How do you do? 你好
  4 Nice talking with you. 很高兴和你说话
  5 Goodbye. 再见
  6 See you. 再见
  7 Take care. 保重
  8 Keep well. 保重
  9 Please say hello to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好
  10 I hope you will come back to Tianjin again! 希望你能再来天津做客
  11 See you again in the near future. 后会有期
  12 Hello, how are you doing? 你好吗?
  13 Hello, welcome to Tianjin ! 你好,欢迎来到天津
  14 What\'s your first impression of Tianjin ? 天津给你的第一感觉是什么?
  15 How do you like Tianjin ? / How do you find Tianjin ?你觉得天津怎么样?
  16 Tianjin is a beautiful city. 天津是一座美丽的城市
  17 The people in Shengyang are very friendly. 天津人非常热情
  18 New Tianjin , new International Horticultural Expo. 新天津新世园
  19 Cheers to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯
  20 After you. 你先请
  21 Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗?
  22 Would you please do me a favour? 能忙我个忙吗?
  23 Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗?
  24 What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助?
  25 May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?
  26 Let me help you. 我来帮助你
  27 It\'s very kind of you! 你真是太好了
  28 Go straight this way. 简直往前走
  29 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the International Horticultural Expo? 劳驾,请问去世园会怎么走?
  30 Go down this street. Then turn left. 沿这条街走下去,然后往左拐
  31 Turn right at the next crossing. 在第二个路口往右拐
  32 I\'m sorry. I have no idea where it is. 对不起,我不知道它在哪儿
  33 Thank you all the same. 尽管如此,还是要谢谢你
  34 Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?
  35 Yes. You\'d better take a bus. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去
  36 No, it\'s just over there. 不远,就在那里
  37 It\'s about one kilometer from here. 距这里约一公里
  38 Excuse me, dose the bus No. 4 stop at the International Horticultural Expo? 请问, 4 路公共汽车去世园会吗?
  39 Where is the nearest post office? 去最近的邮局怎么走?
  40 How long is the ride? 坐车要用多长时间?
  41 It will take about twenty minutes. 大约需要 20 分钟
  42 Thank you very much. 非常感谢
   It\'s my pleasure. 乐意为您效劳
  ◇ 购物用语 (Shopping)
  43 Is there anything you would like? 您要买点什么?
  44 Yes, I\'d like to buy a book. 是的,我要买本书
  45 All right. Here you are. 行,给你
  46 How much is it? 多少钱? 97 Are you American? 你是美国人吗?
  47 It\'s seventeen yuan and five mao. 十七块五
  48 Could you make it cheaper? 可以便宜点吗?
  49 May I help you? 您要买什么?
  50 Yes, I want to buy a shirt. 是的,我想买一件衬衫
  51 What color/size/style do you want? 要什么颜色 / 尺寸 / 样子的?
  52 A blue/red/green/yellow/white/black one. 蓝色的 / 红 / 绿 / 黄 / 白 / 黑
  53 It\'s wonderful. I like it very much. 真不错。我非常喜欢
  54 All right. I\'ll take it. 好的,我买这件衬衫
  55 Where do I pay? 在哪儿付款?
  56 You pay at the cashier over there. 您可以在那边的收银台付款
  57 May I use my credit card? 我能使用信用卡吗?
  58 Sure. Go ahead. 当然,请便
  59 Here\'s your change/receipt. 这是找您的钱 / 给您的收据
  60 Thanks for your good service. 谢谢你的热情服务!
  61 Do come again, please. 欢迎再来
  62 Thank you. 谢谢
  63 You\'re welcome. 不用谢
  ◇ 饭店英语 (Restaurant English)
  64 May I have a look at the menu/wine-list? 请给我看看菜谱 / 酒水单
  65 What\'s the specialty of this Restauran? 这个餐馆的招牌菜是什么?
  66 Are you ready to order? 您现在可以点菜了吗?
  67 I\'d like something spicy. / I\'d like something not spicy 我 ( 不 ) 想吃些辣的东西
  68 What do you recommend? 有什么菜可以推荐一下吗?
  69 The steak sounds good to me. 听起来牛排不错
  70 I\'m full. I can\'t eat any more. 我饱了,不能再吃了
  71 The bill (check), please 。 劳驾,结账
  72 Keep the change. 不用找零钱了
  ◇ 电话英语 (Telephone English)
  73 Hello, may I speak to Bill? 你好,我可以找比尔接电话吗?
  74 Hold on, please. 稍等片刻
  75 Sorry, he\'s not here. 对不起,他不在
  76 May I leave a message? 我能留个口信吗?
  77 Can I take a message for him? 我能代留个口信吗?
  78 here is a call for you. 有你的电话
  ◇ 时间,星期和月份 (Time, Days and Months)
  79 What time is it? 几点了
  80 It\'s 6 o\'clock 。 六点了
  81 Excuse me, could you tell me the time? 劳驾,请问现在几点了?
  82 It\'s half past ten 。 现在十点半
  83 Excuse me, have you got the time, please? 对不起,请问现在几点了?
  84 It\'s a quarter to nine 。 现在差一刻九点
  85 What day is it today? 今天是星期几?
  86 It\'s Sunday. 今天星期天
  87 What\'s the date today? 今天几号?
  88 Today is Aug. 2nd. 今天八月二号
  89 What month is it? 今天几月份?
  90 It\'s May. 五月
  ◇ 其他用语 (Other Expressions)
  91 What\'s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?
  92 It\'s fine. 天气很好
  93 Lovely day, isn\'t it? 天气很好,是吧?
  94 Spring is the best season here. 春天是这里最好的季节
  95 Where are you from? 你是哪里人?
  96 I\'m from Canada 。 我是加拿大人
  97 Are you American? 你是美国人吗?
  98 No, I\'m Canadian. 不,我是加拿大人
  ◇ 话别 (Saying goodbye)
  99 When are you off to? 你什么时候走?
  100 I\'m flying back tomorrow. 我明天坐飞机回去

  East东、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、There那儿、Front前方、Back后方、Side侧旁、Before之前、After之后、First left/right第一个转左/右的路
  Excuse me,How do I get to the.......? 请问如何前往......?
  How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?
  How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?
  How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字)
  How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)
  How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字)
  How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?
  How do I get to the Hilton hotel ? 请问如何前往希尔顿酒店?
  How do I get to the police station? 请问如何前往警局?
  How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?
  How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局? 三、请问附近有什么商店
  Excuse me, Is there....... nearby? 请问附近有没有...?
  Is there a disco nearby? 请问附近有没有的士高?
  Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?
  Is there a night club nearby? 请问附近有没有夜总会?
  Is there a post box nearby? 请问附近有没有邮政局?
  Is there a public toilet nearby? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?
  Is there a restaurant nearby? 请问附近有没有餐厅?
  Is there a telephone nearby? 请问附近有没有电话?
  Is there a travel agent nearby? 请问附近有没有旅游社?
  Is there a youth hostel nearby? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?
  Is there a baker nearby? 请问附近有没有面包店?
  Is there a bank nearby? 请问附近有没有银行?
  Is there a bar nearby? 请问附近有没有酒吧?
  Is there a bus stop nearby? 请问附近有没有公车站?
  Is there a cafe nearby? 请问附近有没有咖啡店?
  Is there a cake shop nearby? 请问附近有没有西饼店?
  Is there a change bureau nearby? 请问附近有没有找换店?
  Is there a chemist"s nearby? 请问附近有没有药剂师?
  Is there a department store nearby? 请问附近有没有百货公司?
第2个回答  2013-09-12