
Choose two topics from the following list and give your opinions orally. Record your answers.(简单回答哦)

1.How do “good” health habits differ in American and China? How do “bad” health habits differ in American and China? Do you exercise regularly?

2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China? Which is your favorite holiday in China? Why?

3.What are the differences between the Chinese and westerners in greeting people/addressing people? State them and give your reasons.

4.In western countries is it common to make appointments to visit professionals such as doctors, dentists, barbers? Is it common to do so in China? Is it acceptable / common to call at a friend’s house/ visit a teacher without calling first?

5.What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?

6.What is a typical Chinese guest / host like? What is a typical Western guest /host like? What are the common cultural mistakes the Chinese make at a Western dinner party?

7.What differences in culture do you see at a Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?

8.What topics of conversation are suitable between the Chinese and a Westerners? State them and give your reasons.
9.What are the sensitive issues that we’d better not to touch on when we talk with Westerners? Why?


1.How do “good” health habits differ in American and China? How do “bad” health habits differ in American and China? Do you exercise regularly?

Some good health habits in America are considered bad in Chinese standards. For instance, Americans like to take a shower in the morning. However, Chinese thinks that without cleansing your body before going to bed is bad for your hygiene. On the other hand, both countries share the same opinion on exercises. Thus, I exercise regularly to keep fit.

2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China? Which is your favorite holiday in China? Why?

Christmas celebrations are religious while Spring Festival is merely celebrating the Chinese New Year. But both holidays involve cheerful family get-togethers. My favorite holiday in China is Spring Festival. Since I am still a kid, I can receive red envelopes from my relatives. Moreover, during Spring Festival, there are delicious food and snacks everywhere.

3.What are the differences between the Chinese and westerners in greeting people/addressing people? State them and give your reasons.

Westerners address people according to their titles and martial status, such as doctors and Mrs.. On the other hand, Chinese are more likely to call them by their ages.

4.In western countries is it common to make
appointments to visit professionals such as doctors, dentists, barbers? Is it common to do so in China? Is it acceptable / common to call at a friend’s house/ visit a teacher without calling first?

It is very common to make appointments in western countries. But in China people rarely do that. Visiting friend's or teacher's without notice is very impolite in China too. It will create much inconvenient to the host.

5.What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?
In American colleges, students have much more freedom in choosing their majors while in China students have to decide their majors even before they take the college entrance exam. Also, the size of a class in America tend to be much smaller than in China. In American colleges, an average class size is around 50 students but in China it is about 100.

6.What is a typical Chinese guest / host like? What is a typical Western guest /host like? What are the common cultural mistakes the Chinese make at a Western dinner party?

A typical Chinese host likes his/her guests to finish all the food, usually telling them to "have more". On the other hand, a typical Western host will say "help yourself" to the guests, which gives the guests more freedom to choose their food or drinks.
I think the most common mistake a Chinese would make is making noisy while drinking soup. In China, making noise means the guest is enjoying the food. However, it is considered impoliteness in western dinner parties.

7.What differences in culture do you see at a

Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?
A Chinese dinner party is loud and happy. People like to make a toast to each other and keep drinking during the party. A Western one is more quiet and people tend to talk to the person who sits next to himself/herself only.

8.What topics of conversation are suitable between the Chinese and a Westerners? State them and give your reasons.

I think suitable topics include food, climate, education systems and travels. These topics are not only interesting but also inspiring. Both the Chinese and the western will learn differences in both culture and countries afterward.

9.What are the sensitive issues that we’d better not to touch on when we talk with Westerners? Why?

In my opinion, the sensitive issues include politics, religion, martial status and salaries. Because these topics are about personal privacy, it will be very impolite to mention them.
第1个回答  2008-07-04
5.What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?
Colleges are different from several aspects in different cultural backgrounds.When it come to compare Chinese colleges with American colleges,we can see the distinctions apparently.
Students in American Colleges are more free and more interested in social affairs than their Chinese peers.However,college students in China are tend to pay more attention to study and association activities.

3.What are the differences between the Chinese and westerners in greeting people/addressing people? State them and give your reasons.
Greeting people are an universal issue across the globe.Everyone needs to communicate with others,greeting people is always the first thing to do.Chinese people usually say something about eating to greet people,such as "have you had your supper?"While Americans tend to greet people by caring their emotions,such as"how are your families?"
第2个回答  2008-07-04
9.What are the sensitive issues that we’d better not to touch on when we talk with Westerners? Why?
salary, religion,politics,woman'age,all the above is their private thing, you shouldn't refer to this.
but weather,clothes and something is safe.
第3个回答  2008-07-04
2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China? Which is your favorite holiday in China? Why?
Answer: Speaking of the difference between Christmas and the Spring festival, the first thing pop up in my mind is the origin of those. Christmas is a celebration of baby Jesus but the Spring Festival came from a story about a monster. The second difference is that Americans usually buy a lot of presents and give them to family member at Christmas eve. However, Chinese put cash in red pockets to give to the kids in the family instead of presents. Although there are some other differences such as decorations, songs,etc, we all regard them as very important festivals to spend time with our families.

Sorry, I don't have time for all of these. Maybe you can just ask people to give 2 of all these questions and you can still get the answers to them. Anyways, good luck and mine is pretty good for an oral question. Hope this can help you~~
第4个回答  2008-07-04
1.How do “good” health habits differ in American and China? How do “bad” health habits differ in American and China? Do you exercise regularly?

1 in china, there are some good and bad health habits ,for example : in china we share dishes when we eat (that's bad cause you can get many diseases from doing so ). most of the people in north america takes one shower a day and seven days a weak (that may be because that they usually small worth than chinese LOL...but anyways that's a good habit :-))

2.How do Christmas celebrations differ from the Spring Festival celebrations in China? Which is your favorite holiday in China? Why?

2 the christmas mark the end of a year while the spring festival means that a new year commence ,in my personnal opinion ,i like the spring festival batter cause i really like playing with firework ,and also it feels nice when the new year begain

3.What are the differences between the Chinese and westerners in greeting people/addressing people? State them and give your reasons.

3Chinese people usually say something about eating to greet people,such as "have you had your supper?"While Americans tend to greet people by caring their emotions,such as"how are your families?"

4.In western countries is it common to make appointments to visit professionals such as doctors, dentists, barbers? Is it common to do so in China? Is it acceptable / common to call at a friend’s house/ visit a teacher without calling first?

4(有加拿大经验)yes, making appointment with doctors, dentists,or barbers is very common , infact it's in their every day life ,in north america espeacilly . (you need to make appointment for every thing, it's how things works and it's also a way to show your miner)

5.What are the differences between Chinese colleges and American colleges?

5.Students in American Colleges are more free and more interested in social affairs than their Chinese peers.However,college students in China are tend to pay more attention to study and association activities.

6.What is a typical Chinese guest / host like? What is a typical Western guest /host like? What are the common cultural mistakes the Chinese make at a Western dinner party?

when they say party ,they means PARTY!

7.What differences in culture do you see at a Chinese dinner party and a Western dinner party?


8.What topics of conversation are suitable between the Chinese and a Westerners? State them and give your reasons.

8they are praty much the samething chinese: work,PC games ,game consal ,family , kids , books ( more like chinese
,camping...most likely any thing except privecy.

9.What are the sensitive issues that we’d better not to touch on when we talk with Westerners? Why?

9salary, religion,politics,woman'age,all the above is their private thing,it's just how things works . the way how we see things is different