
Dear Bob,How are you?Are you still coming to my birthday party in July?My family,friends and my classmates are all coming.The party is on saturday evening july 2nd at around 6:30.It's at uncle bill's restaurant in the city.first,we eat and talk from 6:30~7:45.after that we can go to a concert in central park near history museum.every saturday night,there's a free concert at 8:00.I hope you can come.You can meet my other friends and sisters,too. please write to me roon. yours,jenny

译文:亲爱的Bob,最近过的怎样?我7月份的生日派对你还来吗?我的家人朋友和同学到时候都会到。这个生日派对是在7月2日星期六傍晚6点30分左右举行。举行地点是在Bill叔叔的这个城市的餐厅。首先,6点30分到7点45分期间我们吃东西和交谈,之后我们可以去临近历史博物馆的中心公园听音乐会。每个星期六晚上8点,那里都会有免费的音乐会。我希望你能够来。到时候你能认识我的其他的朋友和姐妹。请快点回信给我把。 你的朋友:Jenny