

News 是一个不可数名词。因为 "news" 指代的是新闻或消息这一抽象概念,而不是具体的一个或多个事情。


1、"News" 作为主语:

News travels fast. (消息传得很快。)

The news is good. (这是好消息。)

The news of his death was a shock. (他去世的消息让人震惊。)

2、"News" 作为非谓语动词:

I heard the news that he got promoted. (我听说他升职了。)

She reads the news every day. (她每天都看新闻。)

3、"News" 作为定语:

Did you see the news article about the earthquake? (你看到关于地震的新闻报道了吗?)

the news report was informative. (这篇新闻报道很有启发性。)

4、"News" 作为复合词:

Newscaster (新闻播报员)

News agency (新闻机构)

Newsroom (新闻编辑室)


1、The breaking news shook the entire nation.(这则突发新闻震惊了整个国家。)

2、He always reads the news on his phone during his commute.(他每天上下班路上都会用手机看新闻。)

3、The local news channel reported on the community's efforts to reduce crime.(当地新闻频道报道了社区减少犯罪的努力。)

4、The newsroom is busy preparing for the evening broadcast.(新闻编辑室正在忙着准备晚间播报。)

5、The news article about the political scandal sparked widespread outrage.(有关政治丑闻的新闻文章引发了广泛的愤怒。)
