

扁鹊拜师   听老辈人讲,扁鹊的原名叫秦越人,祖籍渤海鄚州,那他咋来到咱内丘呢,这还得从扁鹊拜师说起。?   扁鹊自小就爱医术,学医劲头可大啦,一听哪有名医,立刻就找到人家门下,缠磨着要跟人家学,就这么着扁鹊医术一点一点地提高了,成了家乡小有名气的年轻医生。扁鹊觉着自己医术还差一大截,附近的名医都让他学遍了,他就有了出门游历,踏寻名师的念头,他听说晋国赵地中丘蓬山一带有个叫长桑君的神医,本事特大。扁鹊一路打听着就来到了蓬山。?   一到蓬山,扁鹊就觉得眼前一亮,这儿群山连绵,山青水秀,药材遍地,一看就是块宝地,扁鹊心里这个美呀!这块好地肯定出奇人,这下可能找到个好师傅了!向当地人一打听,嘿,无论老人小孩,提到长桑君,谁也能说出一大串神医的故事,可这神医到底住在哪,人们都说不上来,那个说是在西山见过,这个说常见长桑君在南山采药,到底在哪?谁也说不准。扁鹊傻眼了,大老远跑来,人都见不着,还拜哪门子师?   扁鹊越想越不甘心,不行!怎么也得找到长桑君,我就在这山上转,准能碰上他!扁鹊打定了主意,每天起早贪黑在山里转悠,这偌大一个蓬山,峰连着峰,谷接着谷,处处是密林深谷,你说找人,那还真是大海捞针!扁鹊在蓬山找了整整一年,鞋子磨坏了十几,药材采了几大篓,可楞是没见着长桑君的人影。扁鹊真有点灰心了,这天,天特别冷,冰冷冷的风里还夹着雪珠子,扁鹊在山上实在是冻的够呛。就跑到一处山缝想避避寒风,扁鹊又冷又累,不知不觉就昏睡过去了,朦胧中他感到有人在轻轻呼唤,睁眼一瞧,见一位老者,须发皆白,皮肤却光润如玉没有一丝皱纹,穿着一袭葛袍,腰里别着一把药铲,肩上背着一个药篓,这不是传说中的神医长桑君吗?扁鹊使劲揉揉眼,睁眼再看,老人正冲着他笑!这不是梦,是真的找到神医了!扁鹊喜得翻身就拜“师父,弟子找您老人家找得好苦啊!”扁鹊双膝一跪诚恳地说:“弟子一心学医,赤诚之心,天地可鉴,请师傅收下弟子!”长桑君手指拈着长须,心里暗自称许。其实扁鹊一到蓬山,长桑君就知道了,这一年来,长桑君隐在暗处,时时注意着扁鹊的一举一动,他见扁鹊学医之心坚定,心里十分感动,但是他生怕自己一身高明医术,落到只求功名利禄的小人手中,所以对收徒的事是慎之又慎。   长桑君沉吟了一会儿,“你想拜我为师这也倒不难,但是你必须依我三个条件!”扁鹊听拜师有门儿,心里可高兴啦,他激动的说:“师傅您就吩咐弟子吧!”长桑君深深看了一眼扁鹊,慢条斯理地说:“这第一个条件?我要你查清蓬山这一带共有多少种疑难杂症,要你一种也不漏地查清,若是漏了一种,就不收你为徒!”? 那时候的人可不象现在这样在山脚下聚集而居,他们全都散居在山里靠打猎为生,要弄清这一带有多少种疑难杂症,少不得又要在山里来回奔波了。扁鹊踏遍了蓬山的山山水水,也练就了一双飞毛腿,和当地人一样走山路如覆平地,健步如飞了。他访遍了山上每一处有人烟的地方总共查出了在蓬山有九九八十一种疑难杂症。眼见着有这么多自己治不了的难症,扁鹊学医的决心更大了。他返回到碰见长桑君的那道山岭,远远就瞅见长桑君衣袂飘飘一派仙风道骨在那儿站着。扁鹊跪拜之后,递上自己搜寻罗列的疑能杂症,长桑君细细看过,满意地说:“你这第一桩事完成的很好,第二桩我要你去给我采五灵脂。” 五灵脂是名贵的药材,它是寒号鸟粪便的结晶体,寒号鸟都住在悬崖峭壁的缝隙里,要采五灵脂那危险可大啦!就算是本地人,也很少有人敢去采。   扁鹊找来一大堆树藤子、荆条,搓呀、搓呀,两手都磨出了血泡才搓 出一条长绳,他把绳的一端系在崖畔的古树下,一端绑在自己的腰上,两手攀着悬崖凸起的石块,小心翼翼地往下探,正是冬天,刺骨北风怒吼着,刮在身上、脸上,真比刀子割还疼,扁鹊的手冻得木木的抠着石缝,指甲都渗出血来,他咬着牙,紧紧地趴在崖壁上,慢慢地挪着,身上的汗干了又出,出了又干,衣裳冻得梆梆响,好不容易才算采着了五灵脂。爬上崖头扁鹊一下就昏了过去!长桑君忽然出现在他身旁,从药葫芦里倒出一颗清香四溢的药丸喂给了扁鹊,扁鹊立时觉着清香填满了五脏肺腑,力气全给回来了。扁鹊手里捧着五灵脂,给长桑君叩了
Bian Que was listening to old people say, Bian Que's name was originally Yue Qin, ancestral home BohaiMaozhou, that how he came to our hill, this must start from the Bian Que apprentice. ? Bian Que had lovemedicine, medicine strength can be large, listen to what adoctor, immediately found a house, haunting to with others to learn, so Bian Que medicine one point one pointincrease, the hometown of famous young doctor. Bian Que felt or worse, near the famous doctor let him again,he would have to go out travel, tracing the teacherthought, he heard that long Sang Jun doctor Jin ZhaoDizhong Yau Wing area large, skill. Bian Que fought all the way to listen to mount. ? a to Peng Shan, Bian Que felt eyes bright, here mountains, Shanqingshuixiu, herbseverywhere, is a look at the piece of treasure, Bian Que heart this beautiful! The good must be original, it may finda good master! To the local people ask, hey, no matter old people and children, mentioned long Mr. sang, who can tell a bunch of doctor's story, but the doctor exactly where to live, people can not say, that is seen in Xishan, the saidcommon long Sang Jun in Nanshan herbs, where? But who is to say. Bian Que was dumbfounded, came across the country, people don't see, worship what division? Bian Que more think more unwilling, no! How have found long Mr. sang, I will in this mountain, will touch him! Bian Quemade up his mind to work from dawn to night, every day in the mountains around, this is a huge mount, with peakpeak, valley and valley, everywhere is the jungle Valley,you say looking for someone, it really is look for a needle in the ocean! Bian Que Peng mountain looking for a whole year, shoes worn out ten, herbs gathered a few big basket, can stare blankly is never seen in long Sang Junfigure. Bian Que is really a bit lost heart, day, day especially cold, cold wind, snow beads, Bian Que on the hill is frozen. Went to a mountain gap to avoid Bian Quewind, cold and tired, imperceptibly fell fast asleep, in the gloom he felt someone gently calling, goggle look, see an old man, white hair and beard, the skin is smooth jadewithout wrinkles, dressed in a robe of Ge, the waist downwith a drug shovel, shoulders carrying a medicine basket,this is not the legendary doctor Sang Jun? Bian Que hardrubbed his eyes, looked again, old man smiled! This is not a dream, is really to find the doctor! Bian Que thought turnworship "master, disciple to find your family find good painah!" Bian Que a kneeling knees said frankly: "discipleheart medicine, absolute sincerity the heart, the world may reflect, please master accept disciple!" Sang Jun longfingers twist whiskered, secretly praise. In fact, Bian Queto Peng Shan, Sang Jun will know, this year, Sang Junyinin the dark, always pay attention to Bian Que's every act and every move, he saw Bian Que studied medicine ofheart is steadfast, was very moved, but he was afraid of askill to high official positions and riches, but little hands, so the grenade it is cautious. Long sang Jun hesitated for a while, "you want to worship me as teacher this also is not difficult, but you must be my three conditions!" Bian Quelisten to a way, the heart is happy, he said excitedly:"teacher you instructed his disciples!" Sang Jun deeply saw one eye Bian Que, slow a slow said: "the first condition? I want you to check out Peng mountain in this area there are many kinds of difficult miscellaneous diseases, to you a not leak check, if missed one, is not to teach you! "? when people not so at the foot of the hillgathered in, they all scattered in the mountains to live by hunting to clarify this, with many kinds of difficult miscellaneous diseases, may also go back and forth in the mountains. Bian Que travels to Peng Shan mountains and rivers, also have a pair of legs, along the road such ascoated flat and the locals like, walk as if on wings. He visited all over the mountains are sparsely every place hasfound nine nine of eighty-one kinds of difficult miscellaneous diseases in mount. Seeing so much he can not cure the difficult disease, Bian Que studied medicinemore determination. He returned to the mountains metlong Mr. sang, far see the long sang Jun clothes a SAGE-like type standing there. Bian Que worship, handed him his search list of suspected to diseases, Sang Juncarefully read, satisfied and said: "you this first thing done well, second pile I want you to give me the collectedfaeces." Trogopterus dung is rare medicinal herbs, it is the crystallization of Hanhao bird feces, gap Hanhao bird inthe precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, picking throughthe danger can be big! Even if local people, but also very few people dare to go. Bian Que find a pile of tree vine,Vitex negundo, rub, rub, both got blisters to rub out a long rope, he put the rope is fastened on the cliff of old, tiedaround his waist, both hands raised stone cliff, with great care to explore down, winter is positive, biting wind blowing, blowing in the body, face, really than the knife still hurt, Bian Que hands frozen wood pick stones, the nails are bleeding, he bite a tooth, lay on the cliff, then slowly,sweat dry also, the clothes dry, frozen rat-a-tat sound,easy to work with and trogopterus dung. Climb up the cliffBian Que fainted! Sang Jun suddenly appeared beside him, poured out a delicate fragrance pills from themedicine bottle fed Bian Que, Bian Que immediately feelthe fragrance filled the five internal organs the heart, the strength to come back. Bian Que holding a faeces, to longsang Jun Kou.