
1.难怪他不饿,他一整天都在吃糖(wonder)2.你认为谁对这事故负有责任(consider)3.听到小女孩的呼叫声,他毫不犹豫的跳进河里救她(without hesitation)4.由于没钱,他们只好放弃)lack of)

1, No wonder he's not hungry, he has been eating candy all day.
2,Who do you consider should be responsible for this accident?
3,After hearing the litter girl's call for help, she jumped into the river without hesitation to save her.4,Due to lack of money, we have to give up.
第1个回答  2013-09-25
1, No wonder he is not hungry. He has been eating candies the whole day.2, Who do you consider should be responsible for the accident?3, Hearing the cries of the little girl, he jumped into the river to save her without hesitation.4, As a lack of money, they could only give up.
第2个回答  2013-09-25
1. No wonder that he isn't hungry, he has been eating candies all day。2. Who do you consider to be responsible for the accident?3. Hearing the shout of the girl, he jumped into the river to save her without hesitation.4. They have to give up for the lack of money.
第3个回答  2013-09-25
no wonder he isn't hungry,he is eating sweets all the day.who do you consider responsibe for the accident?hearing the little girl's crying,he jumped into the river to save the girl without hesitation.lack of money,they had to give up.