

I'm Li hua, our school
will hold an English short play competition, with the participation of many
stuI'm Li hua, our school will hold an English short play competition, with the
participation of many students, competitions held on March 1 in the school
auditorium. Do you have the time, on behalf of the Student Union invitation to
you, want you to act as judges, and then comment on the players ' performance.
If you can come, this game will be more perfect. I hope you will accept our
invitation. 望采纳~祝您天天happy~~
第1个回答  2013-02-04
I'm li hua, our school will hold a English short plays the game, I represent all the students to invite Mr. Smith. Game 1 March at eight o 'clock in the morning at school lecture hall, want you to come when the judges, and to conduct the player performance. Expect you to accept the invitation.