套期保值最优比的模型运算,BEKK和DCC GARCH

function [parameters, loglikelihood, Ht,likelihoods, stdresid, stderrors, A, B, scores] = full_bekk_mvgarch(data,p,q,BEKKoptions)
% data - A t by k matrix of zero meanresiduals
% p - The lag length of the innovationprocess
% q - The lag length of the AR process
% options - (optional) Options for theoptimization(fminunc)

[parameters, loglikelihood, Ht, Qt, stdresid, likelihoods, stderrors, A,B, jointscores]=dcc_mvgarch(data,dccP,dccQ,archP,garchQ)
data = A zero mean t by k vector of residuals from some filtration
% dccP = The lag length of the innovation term in the DCC estimator
% dccQ = The lag length of the lagged correlation matrices in the DCC estimator
% archP = One of three things: Empty in which case a 1 innovation model is estimated for
