英语作文 ”谈谈你的职业梦想“ 80个字左右 50分高分求了!

内容包括 1林书豪给我的启示 2我的职业梦想是什么 3我要怎么去实现梦想


The biggest news for me last year is Jeremy Lin's story.It really cheered me up.

He was fired by several teams in his NBA career.But he never give up his dream.At last he prove to the world that he can do it.
My dream is to be a DJ.I like music very much.I am already done some preparations.Such like listen all kinds of music ,and learning English hard.

Maybe I am nobody now,but I will never give up.I believe I will be somebody one day in the further.


第1个回答  2013-02-22
Lin Shuhao, also known as Jeremy Lin, is one of the famous basketball players. Jeremy Lin was selected by one of the NBA basketball teams, the Golden State Warriors. He was then traded from Warriors to another team, New York Knicks. He became famous and popular when he served the Knicks. His could achieve such big success because of his hard work and training. It was said that he always does additional training after the team training. For me, I have a dream since I was young. I would like to be a great financial analyst who can predict and determine the trend of a country’s economy. Then, I will be able to earn high monthly income and enjoy high standard of living. I hope that my dream will come true one day in the future.