
舍长,几点了? 我艹,7点50了。 那今天我们还要不要去上课啊? 唉,都没起呢,别去了。 去了你也不一定听。 听了也不一定会。会了也不一定考。考了也不一定过。过了也不一定能毕业。毕了业也不一定能找到工作。找到工作也不见得能挣钱。挣了钱也不见得能娶媳妇儿。娶了媳妇儿也不一定能怀孕。怀了孕也不见得是自己的。那还去个毛啊。

Dormitory, what time is it now? fuck, seven fifty. That today we have to go to class? Well, we didn't get it, do not. You don't have to listen to. Hearing may not. Will not necessarily examination. Test does not necessarily. The test also can't graduate. The industry also can not find a job. Finding a job is not able to earn money. Earning money is not able to marry daughter-in-law. Married a daughter-in-law can not be pregnant. Pregnant is not necessarily your own. It also go to shite ah. 给的分太少了!!