

最大的愿望就是成为自己生活的旁观者,这样我就可以驱散任何罩在身上的阴影了.My biggest desire is to become an bystander of my life ,which can dispel any phantom that haunts meMy greatest wish is to be an onlooker in my life ,thus any shadow that has haunted me can be dispelled My ultimate aspiration is that I can become an bystander ,thus I can eliminate any shadow that haunt me 希望满意并采纳,谢谢!
第1个回答  2013-04-23
【My greatest wish is to be a life bystander, thus I would dispel all the haze haunting me.】

第2个回答  2013-04-23
My biggest wish is to be an onlooker of my own life. Therefore I will drive any shadows covered me.
第3个回答  2013-04-23
What does I want to be most is a looker of my life.Then I can drive away all the shade on me.