五年级的英语作文 my day 我的一天 最好有中文意思

五年级下册的作文 my day 我的一天 ,最好有中文意思 。马上需要,拜托

My day
I woke up at seven o'clock in the morning. I ate my breakfast and did my homework. At ten o'clock, my friend Tom came to see me. We went to the park together. There was a large pond in the park. Some beautiful ducks were swimming. We played in the park until it was dark. Then I went home for dinner. I enjoyed my day very much.

第1个回答  2013-04-16
我的一天,早上8点起床,8点半吃早餐,9点看书,10点下楼玩,11点做作业,12点吃午饭,12点半看电视,13点去找班长去做手抄布,15点找小区伙伴玩耍,17点回家吃晚饭,17点半洗澡,18点和爸爸去公园玩,19点回家看电视剧,20点——21点玩电脑. 这就是我的一天.