英语高手来 初一 物主代词 名词性物主代词造句

初一物主代词 名词性物主代词造句 造简单一点的句子 适合初一的 物主代词:my your his her its our your their名词性物主代词:mine yours his hers its oers yours heirs以上分别造句 附加翻译 造的简单点

My name is Clover. 我的名字是Clover。
I like your shoes. 我喜欢你的鞋。
His eating habits are healthy. 他的饮食习惯很健康。
Her hair is black. 她的头发是黑色的。
仿照上面的例子自己用its our your their 造句。
This blue bag is mine. 这个蓝色的包是我的。
The books are yours. 这些书是你的/你们的。
第1个回答  2013-04-18
it's my book. it's your book. it's his book . it's her book. it's our class. it's their class.the book is mine. mine=my book
第2个回答  2013-04-18
my name is Daming.我的名字是大明。your name is daming .
第3个回答  2013-04-18
My God, I've never seen you so nervous.我的天呀!我从没见你这么紧张过。
I left all of your messages on your desk.我把你的所有便条都放到你的书桌上了。
That should be his mother.那大概是他的母亲。
What should I talk to her?我该对她说什么呢?
He said its importance to me.他向我说它的重要性。
They shared our hapiness.他们分享我们的快乐。
Your book is on the table.你的书在桌子上.
Because of thier work,they succeed at last。因为他们的工作,他们最后成功了。
That wasn't his fault, it was mine.那不是他的错,是我的错。
I believe Paul was a friend of yours.我相信保罗曾是你的一个朋友。
He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood.他职业生涯中的大部分时间是在好莱坞度过的。
That car is ours.那辆车是我们的。本回答被网友采纳