


2、 主持人出场致开场白,介绍到场嘉宾.

《泰坦尼克号》一个片段 + 一个片段(反应热烈时可加入)


由外教老师马捷带领同学们学习英文歇后语,形式为外教一句,同学跟读一句,背景音乐为《Kiss the rain》,材料由马捷提供,多媒体播放,歇后语入场时提供.(要求全体同学站立,配合肢体语言,大声跟读)


(3)猜出后,原比划的人接替成为猜词者,后面的队友成为比划者,如此依次循环 ,各对搭档有 3 次放弃难词的机会。


8、We will rock you


1, opening:
Players "Edleweiss" (Xue Ronghua) to the familiar song as the opening song in English, for a total of teachers and students to sing. Affinity increase, so that we relax.

2, host out of his opening remarks, introduced guests arrived at the scene.

3, feel and experience the fun of English.
(1)-per-play of the classic English dialogue, the disc playback (modulation silent), so that the audience came to power to imitate.
(2) The first group of guests from imitators, and later hand the election to provide lines.
Movie title: "The Lion King" two fragments
"Titanic" a fragment of a fragment + (the enthusiastic response may join)
"Finding Nemo" a fragment
"Beauty and the Beast," a fragment

By-laws: If students do not actively, require each of the representatives took office imitate

4, classic slang
Ma Jie by foreign instructors teachers lead students to learn English Xiehou Yu, a form of foreign instructors, the students a Gendu, background music for "Kiss the rain", materials provided by Ma Jie, multimedia players, Xie Houyu admission offer. (Urged all students Standing, with body language, loud Gendu)

5, the exchange of Chinese and Western
While their foreign instructors Tour players over the relics of China (3 to 5) of the picture, on their side of the Agency's overall feelings, after the students raise their hands to say by foreign instructors to talk about their place and the understanding of the , The speaker of the students are gifts.

6. Bihua I came to you to guess
(1) of the unit, four were in a group, before a person guess the word, after a person Bihua.
(2) will host the written word has Bihua cardboard do the show and the audience to see, so that the people Bihua used body language to explain and explain in English (there can not be guessed by the word), so guess who guess the word .
(3) to guess, who replaced the original Bihua become guess the word, behind teammate become Bihua, so order cycle, the partner is three times the word difficult to give up the opportunity.
(4) in 1 minute and 30 seconds, to guess the most words to team up for the team wins, of gifts, at least to guess the word of the group will be punished.

7, Imagine the Olympic Games, spread from generation to generation
(1) from various departments to team up, stand by the players in one line.
(2) from Qiaosheng moderator told members of the first sentence (English language Olympic publicity), were to pass, the messenger in the process must not let the students heard the third, the last person to hear it loudly told the audience.

8, We will rock you
Guests and lead the students Qichang. Admission to the lyrics and provide translation.

9. Compatriots condolences to the victims
After all the activities of officers arrived at the scene three minutes silence Shoutuo candles.