
1.There were ____the plane crash.
A.a large number deaths from B.a good many deaths in
C.a score people died from D.a dozen died people in
答案:B 麻烦一一解释下

2.Many people agree that ___knowledge of English is a must in ___international trade today.
答案是a;/ 我的问题是international trade 为什么不加the

3.Most animals have little connection with ___animals of ___different kind unless they kill them for food.
答案是/;the 我的问题是animals为什么不加the后面不是有of修饰吗?

1.There were ____the plane crash.
A.a large number deaths from B.a good many deaths in
C.a score people died from D.a dozen died people in
答案:B 麻烦一一解释下
答:A项‘a large number 少了个of,介词from也不搭。
die 是不及物动词,不能用其过去分词作定语(表被动)排除CD

2.Many people agree that ___knowledge of English is a must in ___international trade today.
答案是a;/ 我的问题是international trade 为什么不加the?
答:(have) a knowledge of sth.是通晓、熟悉XX,trade为抽象不可数名词,泛指示不加冠词。

3.Most animals have little connection with ___animals of ___different kind unless they kill them for food.
答案是/;the 我的问题是animals为什么不加the后面不是有of修饰吗?
Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind unless
they kill them for food.
大多数的动物与异类动物联系不多,除了因为食物而杀死它们 外。
第1个回答  2013-04-17
1。飞机失事 在英文里通常用 “in" the plane crash, 而不用 ”from" the plane crash. 所以就不能选择 A 和 C。 在 B 和 D 之间, 选择D 意思是“在飞机失事时,机上有十几个死者“,意思显然不对。 所以选择B, 表达:在飞机失事中有很多遇难者。

2。 答案不可能是 “a”, 要么是 “an", 要么是"the".

3. 这里是”泛指“, 所以无需加”the".

第2个回答  2013-04-17
1.There were ____the plane crash.A.a large number deaths from B.a good many deaths inC.a score people died from D.a dozen died people in答案:B A,C D项,要用形容词dead,项要加of ;
2.Many people agree that ___knowledge of English is a must in ___international trade today.答案是a;/ a knowledge 表示某种具体的知识或读什么东西的了解是一个短语搭配, 如: have a knowedge of;international trade泛指不用加the;

3.Most animals have little connection with ___animals of ___different kind unless they kill them for food.答案是/;the animals复数表泛指不加the,你看前边most animals不是也不加the吗。并非后面of修饰就一定要加the.还可以说“different kinds of animals”.不是也不加the.
第3个回答  2013-04-17



第4个回答  2013-04-19
因为后面有deaths,a good many修饰可数名词,2题是有is,其次是翻译一门英语知识,后面的是固定搭配,3是of 应放在kind后面理解,不同种类的动物 ,