
http://baike.baidu.com/view/7398753.htm 这是那间学校的简介 叫美国沃斯湖学校

问题1.why do you want to attend our school high school ? why do you
want to choose our school 2. what do you think your major will be in
college 3. what are your future carreer goal 4. why should we accept
you 5. what will you bring to the school community 6 what do you want
to study in USA
我大学想修环境保护 将来职业也是环境保护 那些问题我能看懂 但是不会规范回答 求帮忙星期一 要视频面试

1.why do you want to attend our school high school ? why do you

want to choose our school
2. what do you think your major will be in
college 见下面第八题
3. what are your future carreer goal
4. why should we acceptyou
5. what will you bring to the school community
6 what do you want to study in USA
这一题我当时的回答是:I want to learn more different cultures. I want to enjoy a different kind education. I want to teach other people in America about Chinese culture. I want to improve my English.等等等等……

第一题:主要问你的是英语课水平。 你有上过纯英语的课吗?但没有特指专业课,所以如果你有过外教或出国夏令营之类的,可以说有,并解释是什么方面的。如果没有,就说no。
比如我以前在国内接受过纯英文的美术课,就可以说:I learned art and painting in English.如果没有,就回答:No, I did not learn any courses in English
第二题:你在美国有亲属或朋友吗?这个不用说了……Yes I do 或NO即可
第四题:为什么选择我们学校?请不要走套路,要有新意,当初我被录取的关键就在于这道题。你可以回答 The majors in your school are really interesting. 专业吸引是很重要的,也可以说I like your campus and the environment better than other school I applied to.相比我申请的其他学校,我更喜欢你们校园的样子和环境之类的
可以说find it online,在网上看到的,或者interview。
这里你可以介绍特长——不仅仅是专业上的。你可以说I am good at making friends. I know how to cook. I learned many things about environmental protection by my self. I love helping people. 之类的,反正把自己的好处都夸夸。但不要忘了说如果你被录取了,你会做什么。I'll creat a new club for enviornmental protection. I'll publish my paper in the school magazine之类的计划
别忘了联系你的科目。你可以说I'll work on fix the ozone sphere之类的【原谅我对这个专业的不了解】,请不要只单调的说“我要毕业,读研究生然后工作”,说说你以后要做的具体计划和实施对象。美帝的招生官非常看重创意,他们想要的是渴望不平庸的人。嘛,不过有独出心裁的也可以……我当初说的是“I want to own a coffee shop”,老师也很喜欢
environmental protection是你的主课,你肯定会讲,当然还要说些其他科目,比如drama, literature, spanish之类的人文学科目也不要忘记,这里最能展现你的广泛兴趣,也会让招生官对你刮目相看

第1个回答  2013-04-11
1,这个问题简单地说明一下这个学校吸引自己的地方,如: dense academic atmosphere, satisfactory natural environment, fusion of multiple cultures.

2.My majoy will be environmental protection.接下来可以简单说一说原因:Environment is a significant aspect in our life and crucial for further development of human society. Protecting the environment is an urgent and necessary thing for all human beings and I would like to be the most passionate person and pay out the most endeavour.

3.就是问职业目标,这个需要你自己回答,因为我也不清楚。 如: I want to be a scientist majoring in environmental protection and I will try my best to realize my career goal.

4.介绍一下自己的优点/长处,如: I am an overall-developed student and I can add a different cultural ambience to your school.
如果有特长的话,可以简单说一说自己培养特长的经历: I am especially good at..... I practiced really hard.

5. First, as a Chinese person, I can bring the special ambience of Chinese culture to the school community and make the school have more cultural diversities. Second, I am willing to helping other students and doing volunteer work, so I will dedicate in doing work for school community, for instance, cleaning the campus.

America is a place that converges different culture and I want to be exposed to the environment to learn different things from different people. As everyone knows, America has the best educational resources in the world, so I would like to gain the educational resources and make myself a more valuable person for the society.

第2个回答  2013-04-11
只是一个建议啦 虽然帮不到你
