

首先 我说一下 日记是写给自己看的 但是也不能随便乱写 因为 那样什么都不会提高你第一应该注意的是 时态 大部分的地方 我建议你用过去时 因为日记的玩意大部分是过去发生的嘛 当然也有描绘你现在写这个日记的心情 还有将来的什么打算啊之类的 那个就用现在 或者将来时了对于时态 我的态度是一句话 事情发生在过去就过去 将来就将来 现在就现在 进行着的就进行着的 该完成就完成 关于句型 我觉得你在写日记又不是写academic writing 没有必要拘泥于什么句型但是 你说你是初中水平 我觉得写日记可能不知道是个什么方向 句型不用拘泥 但是大概的写作方向 心中高还是要有个数 请见 我摘自一个日记网站的文章 个人认为 可以成为一篇范文(其中有些时态的错误 不过 那个不要紧了 日记就像是自己对自己说话 不用太拘泥语法 句型什么的) 我觉得 这篇写的好的就是因为他语言足够流畅 我读了一遍下来 感觉非常舒服 没有咯噔 这篇文章是叙事型的 你也可以写描写心理的 但是总之就是语言要流畅 这点你搞定了之后 再继续你的词汇的运用句型的修改什么的 语法 只要基本正确就好 不用深究 我认为你一开始写的时候就开始深究语法 会打击你的写作积极性的 所以就基本的时态语态正确就好(什么将来完成时啊 虚拟语气啊什么的 你大可以在一开始的时候不理会) 此篇diary来自: http://www.my-diary.org/read/?entry=542805117 这个网站的网址是: http://www.my-diary.org/surf/ 2011-01-28 23:28:19 (UTC)
out smarted by a doggie doctorso, i was going to tell you about my little visit to the vet
yesterday. my dog has another ear infection. she gets them all of the
time. so frustrating and so expensive.so i thought that i would be smart and i devised this plan to get my dog
to the vet and get her ear taken care of for as cheap as possible.i spent a good hour on the phone and internet until i found a coupon for
a free first visit at the animal hospital. score!! so i print the
coupon and make the appt.so yesterday, i show up at my appointment with my little doggie. i'm way
stoked because i figure i only have to pay for the ear medication which
is about twenty-five dollars. the visit is free thanks to my handy-dandy
coupon...whoop, whoop, i'm so smart!!the doctor looks at my dogs ears. yep, they are infected. ok, i knew
that...that's why i'm here. the doctor takes a q-tip and swabs the dogs
ears and says that she wants to make sure that it's the kind of
infection that she suspects. i'm thinking "whatever" just get me out of
here with my dog medicine. the doctor leaves the room and comes back with some medicine. she tells
me that the medicine is twenty-one dollars. i'm on cloud nine. i got
over! i beat the system and only have to pay the low, low price of
twenty-one bucks! i thank the doctor and go to the receptionist area to check out.low and behold...
the bill was seventy-nine dollars! it seem that she charged me an extra
fifty-eight dollars for something. "wait, this isn't right," i tell the
receptionist, "i had a coupon for a free visit."you know what she tells me? she tells me that the bill is correct and
that i was charged fifty-eight dollars because the doctor put the gook
from the swab of my doggie's ear on a slide and looked at it for 2
seconds under a microscope.good lord, i just about died! there was nothing that i could do but pay
the bill.outsmarted by the doggie doctor!
有任何问题 欢迎追问 也可以加我qq
第1个回答  2013-04-12
日记的时态,要前后呼应,语法使用你已经学习过的!我给你一个范文,题目是<长寿的秘诀>希望对你有帮助,不要忘记给我个满意的评语呦!The secret of living longer If you want to live longer, you should try to get into the following habits:
1. Don’t drink or smoke too much. Drinking or smoking too much is bad for our health. And it can cause many illnesses. So you had better not drink or smoke too much. Certainly, you’d better not smoke at all.
2. Don’t become too fat. Becoming too fat means that a person has many chances to become ill. So we should pay more attention when eating something. Never become too fat. If you are too fat, don’t worry. Take more exercise and you can become healthy.
3. Don’t eat too much food. A research shows that eating too much is also bad for our health. Many of the old people, who are over one hundred years old, eat less than the people around them.
4. Eat more fruit and vegetables. As you know fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins(维生素). They are very good for our health.
5. Take more exercise. If you want to keep healthy, you should take exercise every day. You can walk, run, play basketball, play football, or play table tennis, etc. And the best way of taking exercise is climbing stairs, hills or lifting something.
6. Keep in touch with your family and friends. Your family and your friends can share(分享) your happiness and your trouble. They can give you some advice when you do something. And you can talk with them so you can laugh and cry freely. Thus you can keep healthy. 7. Use your head more. Whether a person use his or her head more has something to do with his or her lifespan(寿命). So in order to live longer, you should read more, do more guessing games and so on.
第2个回答  2013-04-12
January 13 2013 snowy
It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.
2010年1月13日 下雪
第3个回答  2013-04-12